Barnet College update 13 February

Since the last Bulletin, the Barnet College UNISON Stewards have been working extremely hard with Human Resources trying to mitigate the number of redundancies. Currently, we are attending weekly meetings and liaising with Human Resources to answer Member’s queries on both an Individual and a Departmental basis. As you will imagine, this has been taking up the majority of our time.

However, individual Case Work is still ongoing and the Stewards have also been looking the issue of members having to take a day’s Annual Leave due to the extreme weather last week.  Quite a number of staff were either unable to get in to College due to either treacherous driving conditions and/or schools being closed. Staff had been unable to arrange for childcare at such short notice and had been expecting their children’s schools to be open. This issue is being discussed with Human Resources and when there is more news, you will be updated.


The Annual Leave, Religious Leave and Sickness Policy was discussed at a meeting with the Director of Human Resources last week. UNISON are still negotiating some additional benefit(s) for members in return for all staff moving on to 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay if they are on long-term sick leave. Nothing has been agreed as yet and the current policy remains in place.


Finally, the Stewards would like to remind you that we welcome your comments on issues around the College. Please do keep comments and suggestions coming in – especially your opinions on the PROPOSAL for the out-sourcing of the service of the Staff Lounges at GP and NLBP.

With Kind Wishes,

The Barnet UNISON Workplace Stewards Team.