Barnet Sheltered Housing residents win Judicial Review

BARNET Council failed to comply with disability law when it decided to cut sheltered housing warden services, a High Court judge has ruled.


“Sheltered housing residents brought a judicial review in the court in The Strand on December 2 and 3, in a linked case against both Barnet and Portsmouth Councils. “

To read more click here

and here in the Guardian

This is a demonstration to those in the Apathy Party who say there is no point doing anything there is nothing you can do. We still live in a democracy, we can still largely speak freely and organise opposition to proposals. Residents along with Barnet Community Campaign and Barnet Trades Council which includes the local council trade unions have been actively campaigning for this service since the decision to delete the service was made in the budget proposals early this year.


What it will mean for residents, staff and future of the services will be dependent on what Barnet do next. As the Council were reported in the article above as saying this raises “profound issues for the working of local government”.


A decision to Appeal is being considered, I have no doubt the cost of funding an Appeal will be carefully looked at especially at a time when public spending is under ever increasing public scrutiny.


We will be keeping our members posted on any developments. 


“Save our Wardens…Save our Wardens…….Save our Wardens…..”