“Have Adults Social Services and the Council not learnt their lesson?”

Cabinet Resources Committee 17 June.

The following is a direct quote from the report

“Adult Social Services- Catalyst Deficit Claim.

A long running dispute exists between the Council and Catalyst concerning the provision of adult social services. The case went to arbitration in February 2010 with a ruling expected in the Summer of 2010. Substantial legal and other professional advice has been given to the Council to ensure it was able to present the best possible case.”

Further on in the report it reveals:

“£731k spend relating to the current costs of the Catalyst arbitration. Although Cabinet agreed to fund these costs from corporate litigation reserve, a decision was taken corporately as part of year end processes that these costs would be met directly by the Directorate from its own resources.”

This was one contract, a long contract 15 years. Back in 1998 Barnet UNISON urged the Council not to make a rushed decision. Senior officers pressurised Councillors into making a decision. We had a report commissioned By Professor Dexter Whitfield detailing the risks and recommending alternatives.

Future Shape is much much bigger. If we don’t start learning from mistakes then the consequences could be massive.

We are asking for the Future Shape Option Appraisal includes a fully resources in-house bid.

So what is there to hide?