Consultation with Capita Symonds begins

Earlier this week Capita Symonds and Barnet Council handed out the Measures letters to the trade unions and staff. You can view the LBB letter here and the Capita Measures here. This consultation process is unusual in that the Council have adopted a joint employment contract for staff to deliver non delegable statutory duties and powers. You can view the additional clauses in the contract here and find a list of the indicative posts identified to carry out these statutory duties and powers here.

UNISON is seeking feedback from our members who currently occupy these posts and any members who feel their posts should have been included. Please contact the branch at with any questions or concerns.

UNISON carried out a survey of its members working across DRS two weeks ago here is the response to two of the questions

1. In your professional opinion in order to carry out your non delegable statutory duties or powers which option do you believe will provide the best services to residents and local business of the borough?

Secondment or Joint Employment

93% of staff chose Secondment

2. If you had a choice of options to carry out your role which option would you choose?

Secondment or Joint Employment

90% of staff chose Secondment

UNISON has requested for the purposes of consultation a response to this question.

“What are the precise powers that are to be undertaken by employees who are to be employed jointly by LBB and Capita. By this UNISON means what are the statutory roles, duties and decision-making powers that these job holders identified in this list will have to perform?”