Future Shape – Is In-House a dirty word?

On Wednesday 10th February I attended the first Future Shape Overview & Scrutiny Committee along with other trade union colleagues and staff working in Planning, Housing and Regeneration (PHR). 

As I listened to the presentation from the Director of PHR it became apparent that we are speaking in different languages.


Why do I say that?

Because of the language being used in the meeting. I heard phrases such as Options Appraisals (OA), Options, Business Case (BC) Outline Business Case (OBC) but what do they mean and where do they fit into the process?

This is why the Joint Trade Unions submitted a Draft Corporate Procurement Policy. The Policy would help everyone understand the process. 

So, have staff and the trade unions ‘jumped the gun?’

I don’t think so. 

When the Director of PHR was pushed by councillors about the other Options he responded……

“Yes, we have looked at other models……Salford Urban Vision, this Joint Venture and more recently a management buyout”

I waited…….and waited……..to hear the words all PHR staff wanted to hear ‘and a new improved in house model linked to joint working with other councils’ but it never happened.

No evidence of any work on an in-house Option for Regulatory Services was produced. If this Option is not viable where is the evidence?

I think it is important to be clear that the in-house model we are asking for would not have been the service as is. It would have been a service looking to the future and it would have certainly looked at developing cross borough working with other regulatory services.

What is staggering about the decisions not to put faith in the workforce to come up with a strong in-house option for the Council is that these are services that are providing excellent services some of the best in the region if not the country. They do provide value for money and they are in the top quartile for performance according to Audit Commission.

So why not ask the staff to work up an Option?

It makes no financial or service delivery sense, unless we are dealing with a political dogma that in-house services are bad. I understood we had dealt with this and that each Bundle or Service was going to be given the chance to compete with all the other Options.

On Monday 15th February all PHR staff attended a Future Shape Briefing and were taken through an updated version of the powerpoint presented to the committee last week.

The key question was where is the work on the ‘what about the in-house option?’

staff were referred back to the work of the Transact Group and the reports which went to Cabinet last July


Dallas Theory?

There again……..perhaps I will emerge from my shower tomorrow and all of the above will never happened, we never invaded Iraq, John Smith is the Prime Minister (Tony Blair was never PM!) there is no recession, we don’t know about MPs expenses and Burnley FC are on the top of the Premiership…………..?


Housing Needs and Resources staff I want to draw your attention to slides 13 & 14

“What is ALMO plus?”


Barnet UNISON Call centre 4 Schools?

One of our biggest challenges is reaching our schools members. Last term we held a school conference and piloted this approach to contacting members. It was a success and we are doing it again our Conference is on Monday 15th February.

Details in our newsletter click here

This evening and next week a number of local reps have agreed to come in to the Barnet UNISON office to ring our members working in schools.


We still need help so if you can come in for a few minutes to help please let the branch know by ringing 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

In the meanwhile our office is buzzing with “good evening, my name is ………”


7 MAY 2010

Imagine this: You wake up 7 May 2010 and you hear the news Nick Griffin has just become the first elected BNP Member of Parliament.  You then go through the next weeks and months seeing him invited on all the radio and TV shows giving his particular comments and views on any subject of the day.

Remember how after being elected MEP he talked about torpedoing boats of immigrants coming to Europe? What do you think this will do for your morale or the morale of the people you live with and work with?

Will you be asking yourself: If only I’d also joined in the campaign to stop this happening….

Barnet goes to Barking

The battle is on to stop the BNP being elected in Barking and Dagenham. Unite Against Fascism will be holding its annual conference Saturday 13 February 9.30am to 5pm in the TUC Congress Centre, WC1 B and will be discussing this is more detail. http://www.uaf.org.uk/events.asp. I will be attending this event to find out more so that we can encourage maximum participation in the project of stopping fascism. If anyone would care to join me let me know: contactus@barneunison.org.uk.

Remember if you are in any doubt about the democratic credentials of Nick Griffin, he said:

“The electors of Millwall [backed] what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan ‘Defend Rights for Whites’ with well directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate”.


Slough Council bring ALMO back in house

Slough’s commissioner for neighbourhoods and renewal James Swindlehurst (Lab) said:

“With its primary aim achieved, People 1st becomes an expensive organisation to maintain. Significant savings can be achieved by reducing the number of buildings occupied, and reduce duplication of services.

“The council needs to review how to maximize efficiency, reduce unnecessary overheads and ensure that tenants receive value for money and more investment in front line services.”


“Do you work in Housing needs and Resources or Barnet Homes?”

“Are you aware of the following consultation?”

Public Consultation on the Housing strategy 2010 – 2025 (draft)


Consultation ends 26 February 2010

The Trade Unions are going to submit a response. If you have any comments please send them by Friday 19th February to john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk

easyCouncil continues to attract attention

Barnet Council has full page article in Guardian


or you can go online and read comments


Before Total Place started to grab headlines Future Shape was already looking at efficiencies beyond the council’s budget & workforce. It looked at Local Strategic Partnerships (LSP’s) and whether they could be a tool to deliver greater efficiencies across public services whilst at the same time provide better services to residents. The CIPFA document ‘After the downturn’ http://www.cipfa.org.uk/pt/cipfasolace/download/After_the_Downturn.pdf

see page 8.13 which talks about Total Place as a potential option and in 8.6 poses the question

“Are new powers necessary to enable and or incentivise pooling of resources on a significantly more extensive scale in the public interest.”

The easyCouncil sound bite continues to capture media attention and had provoked a debate about the future of public services. But what does it mean for residents and staff?

“Do you think you should pay for their failure?”

  • Bankers bonuses are back
  • 20% Cut in Public Spending for the next thousand years!
  • 1 in 5 public sector workers could face redundancy

What could it mean to you?

If it is not your job it could be your partners, wife, husband, family, friends working in public services.

BUT it doesn’t stop there ……

losing jobs in public services has a knock on effect…………contractors delivering services for public sector will lose work and have to make cuts so more redundancies.

BUT it doesn’t stop there…..

Local businesses will lose business as unemployment soars in their community and people spend less……..

BUT it doesn’t stop there….

Escalating unemployment creates massive uptake in benefits…………..creates pressure on government, who will be taking less taxes and national insurance……less take up of occupational pensions……creating a massive dependency on future governments in pension credits……

BUT it doesn’t stop there ……………

As result of less income from business community, Councils will be forced to increase council tax…or cut more services?

BUT it doesn’t stop there……………..

No money, no jobs, poor prospects will see enormous rise in the number of people reaching mortgage arrears and forced to sell, leading to a demand for housing…….which will lead to an increase in Housing Benefit claims. Who pays for Housing Benefit?…ultimately it is the tax payer. Those lucky enough to work will be asked to pay more as pressure mounts on government to find funding to keep all these people unemployed!


Financial Arrmageddon is based upon the opinions of financial ‘experts’ (and where were they before the global recession hit?) who are pushing the Armageddon scenario for Public Services. They claim the government must claw back £Billions from the Public Sector in order to clear the massive debt built up supporting the global collapse of the financial institutions!

If you want to read what the experts are saying click here http://www.cipfa.org.uk/pt/cipfasolace/download/After_the_Downturn.pdf

What do you think?

Farewell Welfare Rights

Last night I joined the Welfare Rights Unit for their farewell party. It was good to see some of the former staff who used to work at the Unit. Whilst it should have been a sombre occasion I could not help but be inspired by the professionalism and total commitment of all the staff to the residents they have been serving. I can’t remember in my time working with this team over almost 12 years at any time they have asked me about their own circumstances. Their message to me has been clear how can we keep this service for Barnet residents. It has been a humbling experience being their rep. I am sure all of Barnet UNISON members will be wishing them well. I believe a lot of social workers will be asking me for their mobile numbers as complicated benefit claims start to build up across the service!

I leave this picture for you.

Pat is was a wonderful idea and it tasted fantastic.


Mick Carter -remembering him

When we lose someone we try to remember them. Their face, their voice…….luckily we had a few pictures of my time working with Mick and a short video clip.

What is incredible about the video clip is that he is talking about Fremantle Care Workers campaign. All the things that made up the dispute were things that Mick cared passionately about.

I hope those of you who knew Mick will take some comfort from this short video.

Just click on this link



Mick Carter – Farewell

I am sad to report that Mick Carter the former GMB Convenor in Barnet passed away on 6th January 2010.  I understand his funeral is on 22 January at 10.00 am in the Robin Hood Cemetery, Birmingham. 

I worked alongside Mick Carter for almost 5 years. It was an honour and privilege to have known him. Mick was a trade unionist in and out of work; he maintained an energy and commitment to fighting for the rights of his members right up until his retirement.

Mick also recognised the importance of education and learning and spent many years as a TUC teacher at Hounslow College. He brought that knowledge and experience to Barnet and used it to encourage members to take up learning opportunities at work.

Mick is also the reason we have such a strong Joint Trade Union working relationship as he saw the importance of unions working together.

It is always sad when you receive news about someone passing away and you try to remember the last time you spoke to that person.  I am glad we have a collection of photographs from out brief time working together. This one brings a smile to my face when I see it.

Mick always used to sign of his emails with “Be lucky!”

Well Mick, on behalf of Barnet UNISON branch I want to pass our condolences to his family and to add

 “we were lucky, we were lucky to have worked and laughed with you.”

Your passing is a loss not just to your family and friends but the Trade Union movement as a whole.

John Peck – Farewell

At the beginning of the week I along with a few UNISON colleagues attended the funeral of an ex UNISON rep & retired member John Peck.

I first met John when I was meeting UNISON members at Rosa Freedman day centre in 1998. He managed to jump ship before Fremantle took over the homes and went to work as a caretaker at Copthall School.


When John retired he became an active member of our retired members branch. John was a lovely bloke, he had been a rep and understood the need to be in a trade union.  Since his retirement John was a regular volunteer in the UNISON office helping out with branch, mailings most recently helping prepare the AGM notice this year.

On behalf of Barnet UNISON I want to pass on our condolences to his family and a big thank you for his contribution to the branch. He will be missed. 

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