Barnet College update 4 February
Redundancies: an S188 Notice was issued to Union officers and representative today outlining potential posts at risk as a consequence of the anticipated shortfall in College funding 08/09 and 09/10. Details of an Accelerated Voluntary Redundancy Scheme have also been published.
UNISON reps at the College will be participating in the 30 days consultation process in order to seek to mitigate the total number of redundancies. We will also be representing the best interests of individual members who elect to leave under the VR scheme
-College financial situation: all Union reps will be briefed tomorrow morning (Friday) by the College Principal on the current situation with the College finances, which is the key driver for the present cost-saving exercises (staffing and non-staffing)
Montagu Road: it is now generally known that the College’s Montagu Road (ESL) site will be closing in the summer. The building is no longer fit for purpose and the ongoing necessary maintenance costs are prohibitive. Students and staff currently based at the site will be re-located to the
The Barnet College UNISON stewards