Future Shape – Message to all staff
On Monday 6 July Barnet Council Cabinet Committee will consider a report on the Future Shape of Barnet Council.
At the time of producing this flyer the Trade Unions have no idea what sort of recommendations will be in the report.
Our new Chief Executive has been providing staff with regular updates on Future Shape, recently he wrote:
“there is an emerging theme that all providers in the borough need to be working as ‘one public service’ so that we can better serve our residents. Thinking through what this means and how we might achieve it seems to me to be crucial to not just the Future Shape Project but actually how the council will operate in the future.”
Whilst no one can predict what Council services will look like it is clear that services will not stay the same. In some cases staff may find themselves working for another organisation. For others it may be working more closely with other public services in Barnet e.g. Primary Care Trust, Barnet College This is why we need you to be discussing this in your team meetings and asking questions about what it could mean.
Economic Recession
Future Shape cannot be separated from the Government’s response to the global collapse of the financial sector. It is already well documented that Public Services are facing £ Billions in cuts over the next five years. It is a concern for all of us as to what this will mean for services and jobs in Barnet.
Staff feedback
It is clear from members attending our Trade Union surgeries that staff are sceptical about Future Shape, viewing it as just another ‘privatisation model’. The Trade Unions understand these concerns and have repeatedly expressed them both to the Leader, Chief Executive and Councillors. The exclusion of the Trade Unions from the Seven Future Shape groups was a mistake. If major change is coming, it is vital that we are directly involved from the beginning of the process and throughout and not just at the end.
Locally we have many examples of ill-thought out proposals resulting in staff being privatised only for the service to fail in quality & savings. The Trade Unions are keen that mistakes of the past are not just acknowledged but inform our future relations through Commissioning/Procurement and Contract monitoring.
After 6th July Future Shape Cabinet Committee
We are looking to see greater collaboration with our Employer after Future Shape Cabinet Committee. The Trade Unions need to be included in the detailed work on the Future for Services and that includes YOU the staff across all levels of the services.
On Monday 6 July it is important you are there in person with your work colleagues to witness your future both as a member of staff and the services you provide.