Farewell Welfare Rights

Last night I joined the Welfare Rights Unit for their farewell party. It was good to see some of the former staff who used to work at the Unit. Whilst it should have been a sombre occasion I could not help but be inspired by the professionalism and total commitment of all the staff to the residents they have been serving. I can’t remember in my time working with this team over almost 12 years at any time they have asked me about their own circumstances. Their message to me has been clear how can we keep this service for Barnet residents. It has been a humbling experience being their rep. I am sure all of Barnet UNISON members will be wishing them well. I believe a lot of social workers will be asking me for their mobile numbers as complicated benefit claims start to build up across the service!

I leave this picture for you.

Pat is was a wonderful idea and it tasted fantastic.