Barnet UNISON members working for Connaught face uncertain future…
It has been a matter of public record that Connaught have been experiencing serious issues
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Barnet UNISON members working for Connaught were told they had been served notice by barnet Homes. Our members who less than 5 years ago were working for barnet council ensure repairs and maintenance of the council housing stock. They have been transferred two times and face a third transfer in less than 6 years!
Barnet Homes have served notice on Connaught that they intend to terminate their contract with them in February 2011. This six month notice period is in accordance with terms laid out in the original contract.
The two questions
· Who will provide the service in future for council tenants?
· What will happen to the staff?
Barnet Homes are going out to procurement for all of their future maintenance suppliers, so an organisation or organisations are likely to be appointed in due course.
Barnet UNISON have already asked that the staff are TUPED back to Barnet Homes, whilst I understand that will be one of the options looked at it is the Option we want to happen.
We are therefore asking Barnet Homes staff to sign our petition to bring this workforce back to Barnet Homes.
Please contact UNISON Convenor Anne Denison for a copy of the form or you can download the form online here.