Attack on Public Sector Pensions

Yesterday Lord Hutton announced some key Pension reforms he wants to work up in greater detail for the budget in February 2011.

According to Lord Hutton 12 million tax payers benefit from a public sector pension. That is a lot of tax payers and a lot of voters!

“What he is looking at?”

M Increase the retirement age..65, 70….75?

M Increase the employee contributions

M Cut Final salary and replace with career average scheme


Attacks on public sector workers doesn’t stop there.

The Con-Dem government want to

M cut jobs across the public sector…….

Before they do that they want to….

M cut redundancy payments


It doesn’t stop there!

Those staff still working in the public sector face

M Privatisation.

TUPE won’t prevent further and more brutal attacks to public sector workers terms and conditions.


What about the pensions for those public sector workers working in the private sector?

M Rubbish pension schemes not worth joining.

How do I know….Lord Hutton said himself that

M 85% of public sector workers are in a Pension scheme as opposed to

M 25% in the private sector.

The Future for public sector workers is…….cuts to pay, pension, redundancy and privatisation.


Because bankers and politicians looked the other way when gross negligence practices were going on in the finance sector and still are because politicians are frighten to regulate.

Politicians & bankers are culpable, they both have had their noses in the trough…incredibly bankers are now looking at receiving £7 Billion in bonuses.

Now they want us to pay.

Con_Dem government say we are all in it together’…when they know they aren’t going to feel the pain.

The wider public still don’t know how this will impact of them, but that time is very close, and it is going to be a massive shock.


It doesn’t have to be this way!

Public sector workers and the communities they serve are waking up and organising.

Across the UK, community alliances are springing up.

In Barnet we now have Barnet Alliance for Public Services.

Barnet UNISON members need to join residents on the streets of Barnet.

Every week there will be Barnet Alliance community stalls across Barnet. Make time to come down and talk to residents about what is happening to your service.

This Saturday there will be stalls in

·         New Barnet (outside Sainbury’s)


·         North Finchley (outside Poundland)

10.30- 12.30

·         On Sunday (outside Golders Green library)

2.30- 4pm

Don’t let the government treat us like mugs.