UNISON submit Competitive Dialogue Protocol to all Barnet Councillors

Dear Councillors

Barnet UNISON has submitted a Competitive Dialogue (CD) Protocol which sets out our expectations for staff and trade union engagement to the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Commercial Services. I have enclosed the draft Corporate Procurement Policy we submitted in October 2009 as it sets out our views on engagement and process for a Corporate Procurement policy and the draft Trade Union Proposal ‘Guidance for Contractor’. The CD protocol would sit within the Corporate Procurement Strategy.

As always these documents are proposals sent with the intention we can find a basis to agree a process of what is a high profile and widely scrutinised procedure.

If any councillor wishes to seek clarification on any of these reports please do not hesitate to contact me. The above reports have been circulated to UNISON members for comment.

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


Standing up for staff and public services

To view Protocol click here

To view UNISON Draft Corporate Procurement Policy click here

To view Trade Union Proposal “Equality and Fairness in Procurement Guidance for Contractors” click here