UNISON response to AUDIT Committee

Dear Members of the Audit Committee


Please find enclosed UNISON’s response here to Agenda Item 10: Procurement Controls and Monitoring Plan Progress Report


Agenda Item 10 is a key report which no doubt you will give due attention and regard. I have been a regular attendee of Audit Committee and feel confident you will welcome our comments and questions.


The Council has made a political decision to become a Commissioning Council whereby it no longer provides services yet still wants to be able to ensure the provision of excellent services, alongside effective governance and strong performance.

For any organisation, public or private to make such far reaching transformation it  must seek assurance that it has sufficient control over spend and procurement.


This UNISON report to the Audit Committee is our attempt to publicly identify the risks and our concerns about the above report and furthermore highlight the bigger concern that the Council is not fit and ready for such a massive transformation to become a ‘Commissioning Council’. 


If you have any questions or concerns about the content of this report please do not hesistate to contact me.


Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


0208 359 2088


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