Dave Prentis general secretary UNISON salutes One Barnet Strikers

Dear |John

As you prepare to take action today, I want you to know that your fight is our fight. As you fight against privatisation, job cuts and a vicious attack on terms and conditions, we are standing with you.

Across the country the ConDems are attacking our public services and the UNISON members who work so hard to provide them. They are cutting services, cutting jobs and imposing pay cuts.

The services they cut are vital to the communities that UNISON members are wholeheartedly committed to – in Barnet you’re showing your commitment by donating your day’s work to the Larches Community, as you did during the last strike action in October.

It’s this dedication to public services that makes our members and the work they do so important.

As you take action I want you to remember the rest of UNISON, with our 1.4million members, is behind you.

Best wishes,
