Our members make the case for Childcare provision in Children’s Centres

“We’re known in the community for being a place where you can get easy advice”

“The child care is a universal service and so therefore it is non-judgemental – there’s no stigma attached to using the Children’s Centre for a lot of other support”

“We get to know the parents as they access the Children’s Centre for childcare. We get to develop a relationship with them which means we pick up when they’re not doing too good. It’s preventative.”

“The beauty of our service is that it’s seamless. The parents and children get all round support.”

“We had a toddler join us with learning problems that the mother was in denial about. With team work from the teacher, SENCO and observations from the key worker, gentle persuasion and talking to the mother she has at last agreed to come to a drop in speech therapy session. All the background work happened in the child care nursery! This is just one of many examples and this family wasn’t referred, they just came in off the street.”

“Without the childcare i.e. the daily contact with the children and their parents through teaching the children and key working them, the staff would not have the opportunity to form relationships with the families.”

“Families can get support without having to ask for it – we are a route to them getting support.”