UNISON invite Barnet councillors to APSE briefing

Dear Councillors


I understand that you have all at some point been invited to a presentation by Andy Mudd Andy Mudd, Principal Consultant, APSE. I attach a copy of a letter sent to all 63 councillors on behalf of our Regional Secretary Linda Perks.


On behalf of my members I want to encourage all councillors regardless of political persuasion to take up this offer as I believe it will provide all of you an opportunity to discuss and reflect on the implications of becoming a Commissioning Council.


Tonight there is a presentation to members of both scrutiny committees (7 pm Hendon Town Hall) and the following week on Thursday 14 June at 7 pm in Hendon Town Hall Committee Room 3, another presentation is to all of you.


A hard copy of the APSE report will follow in the post.

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


0208 359 2088