Barnet UNISON – Briefing Number 1 Edinburgh an example of an alternative

Dear Councillor


Please find enclosed the first in a series of briefings to all councillors in regard to the One Barnet programme. ( to view briefing click here )


·         Over the past four years UNISON has produced over 35 detailed reports

·         UNISON has consistently sought a meeting to discuss an alternative to the One Barnet programme

·         UNISON has attempted to provide a briefing on our concerns to all councillors in May and June this year

·         UNISON offered a meeting with the Chief Executive and the Leader back in March 2012

·         UNISON is still seeking a meeting with the Leader and members of the Cabinet Committee

·         UNISON does not seek any preconditions for this discussion other than the Council genuinely enters into this dialogue with an open mind.

In my experience most councillors with whom I have spoken many will say they know very little about the One Barnet projects and many admit not having read the reports we have published. This is worrying in light of the fact that the Council is radically changing to a Commissioning Council where it no longer provides services.


Already we have seen council staff working for the following services transfer out of the council

·         Legal Services,

·         Parking Services,

·         Adult Social Care,

·         Housing services

Later this year decisions will be approved at Cabinet Committee to outsource two big One Barnet projects (NSCSO & DRS) worth up to £1Billion pounds which will tie the Council into *10 year contracts.


In November this year a decision will be made on the service delivery model for the One Barnet Street Scene project. Judging by the direction of travel of all other One Barnet projects it is likely that the outsourced model will be the one selected.


Even though these decisions are going to be made by Cabinet Committee the financial and electoral impact will affect all councillors not just for the short term but beyond the Council elections in 2014 and 2018


I hope you will take time to read our briefings, furthermore if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.


*= ‘Health Warning: There is no such thing as a flexible contract.’


Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


0208 359 2088

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