£20.5 million lost to frontline services and jobs!

£20.5 million lost to frontline services and jobs!

Earlier this week I sat in on the General Functions Committee and heard in a response to a residents question that the Council had deliberately made a decision not to collect £20.5 million (source here question 12). Instead the Council have been making political decisions to freeze council tax and this week announced a 1% cut in Council Tax.

But what does a 1% cut in Council Tax mean for Barnet residents

A resident paying the highest rate council tax will see their bill reduced by £32 a year, or 61 pence a week,

A resident paying the lowest rate council tax will see their bill reduced by £9.44 a year or 18 pence a week.

Delivering a 1% cut in Council Tax means cuts to services; the biggest saving is the loss of 350 local jobs in the Capita contract. Think of all the services and jobs that have been lost over the past four years.