Barnet UNISON Guilty as charged

Barnet UNISON Guilty as charged

Barnet UNISON Annual General Meeting is on 12 March 2014, as part of our democratic process of electing officials the branch has written to all of our members about the personal and political attack on our branch.

Extract of the letter here

We are guilty of robustly representing our members which has upset our Council.

We are guilty of representing our members who have been outsourced through the mass privatisation One Barnet policy.

We are guilty of representing our members in restructures, redundancies, re-gradings.

We are guilty of representing our members at disciplinary meetings, sickness absence meetings and grievances hearings.

We are guilty of being there for members when no one else was prepared to listen.

We are guilty of supporting members trying to cope with or change unhealthy, stressful workplaces.

We are guilty of not keeping silent when our member’s terms & conditions are being attacked.

We are guilty of exposing the ongoing reliance and waste of taxpayers’ money on expensive consultants.


You can read the letter in full here