Barnet UNISON submits London Living Wage proposal to NSL.

NSL is a private parking contractor delivering parking enforcement in Barnet.

Earlier this month UNISON held a meeting with NSL to discuss our LLW proposal and other terms & conditions issues.  UNISON said that in less than 18 months after transfer from the Council to NSL, almost 66% of staff had left.

At the meeting UNISON informed NSL that the majority of their members are now on NSL terms & conditions approximately 33% less than the ex Barnet staff who transferred over in May 2012.

UNISON members on NSL terms & condition are deeply unhappy with low pay and trying to keep up with the ever increasing cost of living. The only way members can try to deal with low pay is to try and get overtime, but to get overtime you need to demonstrate you issue enough parking tickets. Both NSL and Barnet Council will claim that there are no parking targets…..but the fact is if you don’t issue a lot of tickets on your regular shift you are highly unlikely to get overtime. You work it out….!

NSL told UNISON we had to go back to the Council for the decision as to whether NSL are allowed to pay the LLW.

Last week Richard Cornelius (Leader of Barnet Council), spoke about the decision of Barnet Council to apply a London Living Wage (LLW) rate of £8.80 per hour for all employees. He added:

“It is something we want to be part of,” he told The Press. “People should be paid enough to live on if they are going to work for us. It is something we have aspired to do for a long time.”

We contacted the Council and they said they would come back to us.


We are waiting……..