Schools – ‘Teaching Assistants do make a difference!’

Schools – ‘Teaching Assistants do make a difference!’

“Teaching assistants do have an impact and make a difference”

“TAs make a real impact in improving attainment They are not just a mums’ army; they are incredibly important and have a vital function in schools.”

Barnet UNISON understands growing worries among school staff about pay, workload and job security. That is why this year’s UNISON pay claim for £1 an hour for all is very important.

A massive number of people in our visits to different schools across Barnet tell us they find it difficult to live on the wages the job provides  they are concerned about pay, and they have a right to be pay rates are in many cases at poverty levels;

Level 1 TA post starts at pay point 10 – below the London Living wage!

Unlike teachers – School based staff including TA’s often have term time-only contracts.

Many term-time only staff have to take extra jobs and/ or summer jobs to cope. The low level of pay is having a massive impact on their day-to-day lives.

All School staff deserve to be rewarded for the tireless work they perform via a proper career structure better pay and good terms and conditions while at work

In June 2013, a report by right wing think tank ‘Reform’ argued that schools could improve value for money by cutting the number of TAs and increasing class sizes. UNISON strongly disagrees with this view.

We feel the only way forward is to organise ourselves, and clearly put our case. If you want to do something about improving you pay and conditions or any other school based issue then please get in touch.  We have vacancies for school based reps and it is our view that the best place to  start dealing with such issues is make sure you colleagues are in UNISON, holding regular workplace discussions and be prepared to fight to change things.

You may like to read an article in the Times Education Supplement Magazine

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