Your Choice Barnet care workers UPDATE

Your Choice Barnet care workers UPDATE

Across the number of UK stories of care workers refusing to take cuts to pay and terms & conditions is on the increase as are reports of Care Providers failing to deliver quality services.

It isn’t rocket science, ongoing ‘Austerity Cuts’ to social care is already having an impact for those in need of care services. The ‘Austerity Cuts’ to social care are being passed down to Care providers, service users, staff via the Commissioning model.  In Barnet UNISON Your Choice Care Workers have decided they have had enough. They completed an indicative ballot on the pay cut imposed by Your Choice Barnet in which they have voted by 97% to reject the cut. We are now processing a formal request for a strike ballot and understand GMB members are going to do the same.

You can help by

1. Signing this petition


2. Join Your Choice Barnet Care Workers on Tuesday 8 April outside Hendon Town Hall between 6 – 7.30 pm