“What’s UP?”

Briefly Barnet Council are looking to implement a new pay and grading structure, modernise and harmonise allowances together with our terms and conditions of employment. This is a massive project and the Council are looking to do this through collective bargaining with the Trade Unions.

Please see click here to read some of the key things the council have informed staff about Unified Pay and how you can become involved.

Terms & Conditions Health Warning:

We are concerned that because of the ongoing changes in the workplace, many of our members are only just starting to hear about Unified Pay.

This short booklet is intended to highlight some of the issues and start a process whereby we can begin to inform and consult with all of our members working for Barnet Council including those staff working in community schools.


It is really important that staff are engaging in discussion about the content of their job descriptions and the whole process which is why we are embarking on a series of meetings/briefings across the workforce (click on link here for details).