Education & Catering outsourcing project

The latest outsourcing proposal to emerge in Barnet Council is going to the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee on Monday 15 September 2014.

The list of Council services involved with this outsourcing proposal can be found in the Equalities Impact Assessment here.

The list

School improvement

•           Statutory LA duties to monitor, support and challenge schools

•           Narrow the gap service (DSG funded)

Special educational needs (subject to changes being implemented by the Children and Families Act 2014 from 1st September 2014)

•           SEN placements & performance team

•           SEN Early Support Programme

•           Speech & Language therapy

•           SEN Transport – commissioning and assessment

•           Educational psychology team (part traded)

•           SEN placements (DSG funded)

•           SEN specialist support service

Admissions and sufficiency of school places

•           Pupil place planning

•           Admissions Service (DSG funded)

•           Education welfare service

Post 16 learning

•           14 – 19 service to ensure sufficiency and breadth of supply

•           Monitoring, tracking and supporting participation

Traded services within Education and Skills

•           Catering service

•           Governor clerking service

•           School improvement traded service

•           Newly Qualified Teachers

•           Educational psychology (part)

•           Education Welfare Service (part)

The total number of staff involved is 336 staff.

The report states Barnet Council staffing establishment as 2,010

Historical Information:

In a report to Barnet Council Cabinet Resources Committee October 2012 the Barnet Council staffing establishment was 3,200.16