The worst Anti-Union Laws ever & still they want more!

From 1980 onwards successive governments have issued draconian anti trade union legislation designed to severely restrict the ability of trade unions to organise and defend their member’s rights at work. You can view the vicious anti trade union legislation on our web site here

The Bullingdon gang are looking for a fight

Now, the government are trying to finish off what they started in 1980 using the Trade Union Bill as their weapon.

A brief overview of the proposals contained in the Trade Union Bill include :

· strikes would be unlawful unless 50 per cent of those being asked to take action vote in the ballot.

· in key public services (education, health, fire, transport, border security and energy), there must be a 50 per cent turnout, and 40 per cent of all those eligible to vote must back the strike.

· unlawful picketing would become a criminal offence.

· unions would have to renew any strike mandate within four months of the first ballot.

· the rules banning employers from hiring strike-breaking agency staff would be repealed.

· unions to give employers at least a fortnight’s notice before the start of any action.

· new limits on the amount of time any public sector workers can spend on trade union activities.

· union members would have to opt-in to paying a union’s political fund.