Catering staff know what’s cooking…..they will be on strike 7 October

Catering staff know what’s cooking. They don’t like privatisation and they will be on strike 7 October

Children’s centre staff know it’s child’s play – of course they don’t like privatisation and they will be on strike 7 October

Refuse workers know rubbish when they see it. They don’t like privatisation and they will be taking strike action 7 October

Social Workers know about safeguarding services. They don’t like privatisation and they will be taking strike action 7 October

OT’s have assessed the situation. They don’t like privatisation and they will be taking strike action 7 October

Assessment and Enablement Officers have reviewed the situation. They don’t like privatisation and they will be taking strike action 7 October

Hospital social workers have arranged support but not for privatisation. They will be taking strike action 7 October

Mental Health workers know what makes them crazy. They don’t like privatisation and they will be taking strike action 7 October

Coach drivers and passenger escorts know something about the direction of travel. They don’t like privatisation and they will be taking strike action 7 October

Library workers have read all about it. They don’t like privatisation and they will be taking strike action 7 October