Daylight robbery – What happened to your Pay rise? #ScrapTheCap

For years now, public service workers have seen their pay held back by government in the name of austerity. First a freeze then a cap saw public sector pay rise by just 4.4% between 2010 and 2016 while the cost of living rose by 22%.

Barnet UNISON has produced some examples based on the top of each grade within the Council in order to provide an insight into how much pay our members working for Barnet Council has lost as a result of the Pay Cap imposed on public sector workers.

If you don’t work for Barnet Council you can still work out how much you have lost so far be using the UNISON online pay calculator here

Barnet Council worker grades


Grade A has lost £2,995 Click Grade A flyer

Grade B has lost £3,095, Click Grade B flyer

Grade C has lost £3,306, Click Grade C flyer

Grade D has lost £3,529, Click Grade D flyer

Grade E has lost £3,821, Click Grade E flyer

Grade F has lost £4,303, Click Grade F flyer

Grade G has lost £4,868, Click Grade G flyer

Grade H has lost £5,237, Click Grade H flyer

Grade I has lost £5, 838, Click Grade I flyer

Grade J has lost £6,725, Click Grade J flyer

Grade K has lost £7,938,Click Grade K flyer

Grade L has lost £9,069 Click Grade L flyer