Connaught workers – Out- in- Out- In!

Last week Connaught workers were sacked by a conference call. This was as a result of news last week that Connaught plc and its subsidiary, Connaught Partnerships Limited, which comprises its Social Housing Division were going into administration.

On Tuesday 14 September staff attended a meeting with Barnet Homes and Lovells partnerships a subsidiary of Morgan Sindall. The good news was that they did have a job and all their terms and conditions would be transferred over. They were told that they had been sent redundancy notices in error.

·         Members left the meeting happy they had a job.

6pm last night Connaught members at the lobby saw an email from KPMG saying that they had not been transferred and they were redundant.

You can imagine how much distress this caused our members. Emails, phone calls were made last night to find out what was going on.

Late. late last night I emailed KPMG demanding to know what is going on.

This morning I spoke to KPMG. They explained that they had not been informed that Barnet Connaught staff were to be transferred to Lovells Partnership hence the redundancy notices were sent.

I asked KPMG if they receive official notification from Lovells Partnership that Barnet staff were to be TUPE transferred, would they rescind the redundancy notice and support the TUPE transfer?

They said yes.

I have now been in direct contact with Barnet Homes and Lovell Partnerships and they have already sent information to KPMG.

I understand that Lovells Partnership are in the process of sending a communication to staff informing them they are being TUPE transferred and they are going to be paid.

I expect our members will still not believe the news until they have something in writing, but who could blame them after the week they have had!

I am sure all Barnet UNISON members (not Connaught workers) are probably shaking their heads in disbelief and will want me to pass on their best wishes to the Connaught workers.