Barnet & Southgate College Update 25 May 2012

Grahame Park (GP) – Update

To help eradicate rumours, Management has confirmed that Grahame Park site has not been sold and that to date there has been no agreement on an alternative site.

The Tower Block Building, top floor has been made vacant and the room will be changed into classrooms for use in the next academic year.

At this point no more teams will be moved out of GP site and there will be continued provision at GP for the next academic year.

Job Evaluation (JE) – Update

Management has confirmed that job evaluation is currently on hold until all areas have completed the restructuring process.  It is anticipated that JE will be rolled out in the next academic year.

Business Support Review

HR and UNISON will be running a joint administration review on the current business administration services and support for curriculum areas offered at all campuses.

This will provide staff with the opportunity to inform management of what works well and what changes need to be implemented to improve services to both staff and students.  This review will provide invaluable information to management which will be helpful prior to them issuing a new Business Support restructure proposal in the autumn term.

HR and UNISON will be arranging meetings with Head of Curriculum and Services, focus groups and an email box for staff to have the opportunity to put forward their views of how current services are being delivered, identify what is required at operational level to support academic staff, help improve quality and the learner experience.  UNISON urges all members to participate in this review through any of the above modes of communication to provide suggestions of improving the business support services.

To view full report back from UNISON rep Christalla Tsattala  click here