How much are Barnet Council paying Capita?

The above list of payments by Barnet Council to the two Capita contracts has been produced by Barnet Blogger Mr Reasonable. In both contracts the Council appears to be paying more than they said they would have to pay when they first signed the contract.

The difference is quite shocking and when considered in the context of vital frontline services facing cuts and/or closure it is difficult to understand where the money is coming from to pay all this money.

If you want more detail here are some links to some of Mr Reasonable posts on #BarnetCouncil spend

Barnet Audit Fiasco Part 2 – Capita penalised £55,000 but disaster looms after 2020

Barnet’s Payments to Capita – the external auditor challenges £44 million pre-payment

Barnet Council Agency Staff Spend – reducing but still very high

Is Peterborough the new Luton – Barnet outsources its homeless

Barnet Payments for June – Capita earn a fortune and a booze up on the Council


A Night of Shame But Who’s to Blame – Last Night’s Audit Fiasco