Street Scene workers update restructures
Barnet UNISON submitted this report to General Functions Committee on 8 November 2017
Click link here to view 2017.11.08 GFCommitteeBarnet UNISON response. docx
John Burgess spoke against the cuts to Barnet Councillors at General Functions Committee 8 November 2017. To view his speech click here
As a result of the Council agreeing to go ahead with the three restructures in Street Scene, there is a need to ensure that our members are fully supported whatever the outcome.
It is important that members understand that they have the right to representation in their one to one meetings.
If you need support/advice please contact the Barnet UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email
Or contact the Barnet UNISON reps on site at Oakleigh or Harrow Depots.