Barnet UNISON Pays Tribute to The Little Chief, Susan Sullivan
We have sad news to communicate with our Barnet UNISON community.
Susan Sullivan has become the first fatal victim of the Coronavirus we know of in our community.
She wasn’t a member of Barnet UNISON but she made her contribution and she made it count. She was one of two people who put their names to efforts to bring a judicial review against the Council for bringing the disastrous Capita into our services.
Susan had a learning disability and was a user of Barnet Council services so understood the value of the services provided by many of our members. This was what she sought to defend. She valued us.
We came to value her as she appeared on a number of demonstrations and took part in occasional meetings. Of course she did so with the full support of her parents, John and Ida. They have all been valuable members of our campaigns which saw John publicly speaking out in solidarity with our striking YCB colleagues on a number of occasions including the House of Commons.
We often heard John refer to his daughter as “Little Chief”. We cannot thank them enough for their comradeship and solidarity.
Our thoughts are very much with them in their grief and now worry about the potential progress of this virus within their family.
R.I.P Susan Sullivan “Little Chief”.