By now all of our members should have received a letter from HR about their individual circumstances.
If you have not received your letter please alert your line manager and contact:
Unified Reward helpline on 0330 606 4444 (option 1) or email barnethrpayroll@capita-services.co.uk or Unified.reward@barnet.gov.uk
We have already started to receive contact from some of our members about the content of the letters.
Our office is collating the names and details and requesting that members provide copies of all communication they have had so far and any documents that they send.
We have heard some disturbing reports that staff with concerns are being told that if UNISON cannot attend a meeting in relation to their concerns they should still attend that meeting. Firstly we do not recognise this advice as HR is fully supportive of UNISON being part of the process and that includes the most important part: looking after your interests. If you are given a date, you simply need to contact the branch and we will liaise with HR to agree a new date.
Deadlines for Appeals
We understand that members are concerned about meeting deadlines. We have spoken to HR and these deadlines are going to have to be extended as we need to ensure there is adequate time to process everyone’s request.
What are some of the issues being raised?
It is really important we quickly establish what the issues are for you:
This where a member or a number of members believe the new grade does not reflect the work they do. In this case it is important that you register your right of Appeal and contact the UNISON office.
There are reports coming in where members are reporting that they are losing money because of changes to their other payments (not basic pay). This is not part of an appeal process but does need to be addressed as part of Unified pay. We have already alerted HR about these emerging issues. Therefore we need members to follow the same process and contact the branch with all the relevant details.
How will it all start?
As part of the process agreed with HR, there is an informal process which is in place to see if there is a way to resolve the issues without going through a formal appeal hearing. This means that the first meeting will be with you, your UNISON rep, your line manager and HR. For this meeting everyone will need to have all the relevant information in advance of the meeting. Therefore before this meeting takes place you need to meet with your UNISON rep to go through your case and be ready for the informal meeting.
3 things you need to do
- Ring the UNISON office on 0208359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk
- Provide a copy of your letter with a brief explanation of your concerns together with a copy of your completed appeal form.
- Provide a recent copy of your payslip.