eNEWSLETTER 9 September 2008

Dear Barnet UNISON member

We have just launched the Barnet UNISON website. We will endeavour to keep the web site up to date with what is happening to members of our branch. I would urge you you to sign up in order you can take part in consultation, forums, polls. You will find the User Sign up at the bottom left of your screen.


1. What Future for Barnet Council staff?
So it begins Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/29
Ask Dexter Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/42
Employment Charter Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/45
The threat is real watch this http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/9

2. Barnet College
FE Pay ballot result: The branch will be writing to the Principal of the College seeking confirmation that the agreement will be paid.
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/41

Cuts to jobs..more redundancies?
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/31

3. National Pay
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/30

4. Ken Loach -Film Director – FREE TICKETS BOOK NOW Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/33

eNEWSLETTER 9 September 2008

Dear Barnet UNISON member

We have just launched the Barnet UNISON website. We will endeavour to keep the web site up to date with what is happening to members of our branch. I would urge you you to sign up in order you can take part in consultation, forums, polls. You will find the User Sign up at the bottom left of your screen.


1. What Future for Barnet Council staff?
So it begins Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/29
Ask Dexter Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/42
Employment Charter Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/45
The threat is real watch this http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/9

2. Barnet College
FE Pay ballot result: The branch will be writing to the Principal of the College seeking confirmation that the agreement will be paid.
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/41

Cuts to jobs..more redundancies?
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/31

3. National Pay
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/30

4. Ken Loach -Film Director – FREE TICKETS BOOK NOW Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/33

eNEWSLETTER 9 September 2008

Dear Barnet UNISON member

We have just launched the Barnet UNISON website. We will endeavour to keep the web site up to date with what is happening to members of our branch. I would urge you you to sign up in order you can take part in consultation, forums, polls. You will find the User Sign up at the bottom left of your screen.


1. What Future for Barnet Council staff?
So it begins Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/29
Ask Dexter Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/42
Employment Charter Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/45
The threat is real watch this http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/9

2. Barnet College
FE Pay ballot result: The branch will be writing to the Principal of the College seeking confirmation that the agreement will be paid.
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/41

Cuts to jobs..more redundancies?
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/31

3. National Pay
Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/30

4. Ken Loach -Film Director – FREE TICKETS BOOK NOW Full story http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/?q=node/33

Trade unions submit Employment Charter

Barnet Briefing 3

Headines  from Briefing 3

1. The Employment Charter should form the basis for the development and appraisal of options in the Future Shape of the Council programme. Each option should be assessed to determine the employment impact and the extent to which it fulfils the requirements of the Charter.

2. The Employment Charter should be incorporated into the Council’s Corporate Procurement Strategy.

click here to view full document

Barnet College – Pay Ballot results

Members Vote ‘Yes’ To Pay Offer And Send Clear Message To Colleges: ‘Implement The Deal Or Face A Wave Of Anger’.

UNISON FE members in England have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Association of Colleges (AoC) pay recommendation offer for 2008/9 of:

      • A 3.2% increase on all salaries and allowances from 1 October 2008, or £550 – whichever is the greater. So if a 3.2% increase gives you less than £550 you will get a £550 flat rate increase instead.

UNISON conducted a full postal ballot of every FE member in England.  90% voted in favour of the offer.

This was a vote in favour of the higher than average deal for the lowest paid with the new minimum wage of £6.91 an hour and the £550 underpinning.

The vote should send a clear message to colleges that nothing less than 100% implementation of this deal will do. Members were advised that acceptance of the offer would lead to an all-out campaign for full implementation. 

Last year a large number of colleges failed to implement the underpinning for the lower paid; this will not be allowed to happen again. Already a number of colleges are preparing to ballot for strike action over the failure of their colleges to implement the 2007/8 deal.

Christina McAnea, UNISON Head of Education and Children’s Services, said:

‘Today’s ballot result is the beginning of our campaign for 100% implementation. We want to work constructively with principals and the AoC to implement the pay deal but we are clear we have an emphatic mandate from our members and if colleges refuse to pay the deal we are prepared to take action in those colleges’.

The last FE union to reach a decision on the offer is UCU who will be meeting on the 20th September. The TU side will convene there after.


click here for full details

Barnet UNISON Women’s self organised group meeting

UNISON has almost one million women members – more than two thirds of our union. Women still earn a lot less than men and face sex discrimination and harassment at work. Our members also juggle work and home commitments. Many have caring responsibilities and almost half work part-time. This is why UNISON takes a lead on negotiating and campaigning on women’s rights at work and in the community.

Barnet UNISON is looking to build a Women’s self organised group. Tracey Lowe and Maggi Myland are the UNISON Officers responsible for the group.

Contact Tracey or Maggi at the UNISON office on 0208 359 2088/2090 or email tracey.lowe@barnetunison.org.uk or maggi.myland@barnetunison.org.uk
Please try  and come along to the next meeting
Click here for details of time and venue.

Barnet College update

Last week saw a number of Joint Trade Union meetings at a number of Barnet College sites. Barnet College along with most FE colleges has been going through serious funding problems over the last few years due to changes in funding. The governments ‘Train to Gain’ has exacerbated matters and there does not appear to be an end to these problems.

As a result of funding issues the Joint Trade Unions have found themselves in the position of having to deal with year on year cuts to jobs. Last years consultation process raised significant concerns for the Trade Unions.

The motions passed last week reflect the concern of both members and the trade union negotiators.
(click here to read the motions passed)

Meetings have been requested with the new Director of HR so keep checking the website for updates on progress. 

FE Pay ballot
The ballot closes 8 September 2008. Keep checking the UNISON FE webpage for the results.
Click here for UNISON FE webpage

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