Barnet Library Strikers True Stories: “Janet’s story”

British Library, Kings Cross. March to protest about cuts to libraries, museums and the arts. Barnet Unison were on the march along with striking Barnet library staff. 05/11/16  BP AMS

British Library, Kings Cross.
March to protest about cuts to libraries, museums and the arts.
Barnet Unison were on the march along with striking Barnet library staff.
05/11/16 BP

I am a Library Customer Service Assistant in Barnet Libraries, and before I that was a Library and Information Officer and before that  a Library Assistant.  I have worked for Barnet for 35 years and hoped to retire in three years’ time.  I know I will get redundancy money if I lose my job but it will not be able to cover my expenses for long. Personal circumstance meant that I had to give up my home and now I rent. Without a regular income I am not sure I will be able to cover my living expenses. I don’t splash out on a lot of luxuries but after working all my life I think I deserve more than just to exist.  I have spent my working life helping people in libraries. I have read stories to toddlers and then helped them with their homework when they got older.  One of the children I used to do this for came to work in Libraries with me a few years ago, before she got a job as a librarian in another part of London.   I know I have to retire sometime but I don’t want to be forced into giving up work. It should be my decision. It is bad enough that the Council want to hand our libraries over to private companies, but charities and residents groups should know better.

* Identities have been changed to protect the striker

Barnet Library Strikers True Stories: “Chanda’s story”



Please, please, voluntary groups, please don’t take over our libraries. I don’t understand why you want to do this. I thought charities were all about doing good for people.  Taking jobs away is not what you should be doing. Also what about the people who use the libraries, they need them more than just 15 hours a week. I have only been working in my library for 2 years but I really like it. Working here much better than my old shop job which I had for a year after leaving school.  I have learned so much and feel much happier with myself. I used to be really shy at school but I need to talk to different types of customer now and they really need my help so I can’t be shy. I really don’t want to lose my job, I know it can be hard sometimes when someone shouts and swears at you, but most people are nice.

* Identities have been changed to protect the striker

Barnet Library Strikers True Stories: “Isaac’s story”



I used to be a librarian but lost my professional post in the last restructure.  It has been difficult readjusting to the Library Customer Service Officer role, but I still am able to utilise my skills and knowledge and this has made the transition easier.  I was a victim of the Council’s lack of respect for Librarianship when the number of professional librarian posts were cut in 2013. It now appears I am to be a victim again when library staff are replaced with volunteers.  I have given nearly thirty years’ service to public libraries, most of it in Barnet.  I am very worried that if I am made redundant that I will not find it easy to get other employment as I am in my late 50’s.  I think those considering running a Partnership library really ought to reconsider. I realise my objections may be dismissed by some as just trying to protect my own interests, but experience tells me that Voluntary organisations are not equipped to run an efficient library.

* Identities have been changed to protect the striker

Barnet Library Strikers True Stories: “Rose’s story”



It worries’ me that libraries are going to be handed over to voluntary organisations to run. Please don’t misunderstand me, I think these do really useful work but they should concentrate on what they were set up for.  Running a library is not a simple matter of just lending books. A lot of organisation is needed to manage stock.  Much of what libraries do now is IT based and we also run a lot of events and activities for adults and children.  There are also times when library staff have to deal with very difficult situations and often we get verbal abuse and worse from customers. I just don’t think the charities and other groups thinking of taking over the libraries realise just how difficult it is.  They probably mean well but It’s seems they think that anyone can just walk in off the street and be a librarian, library manager or a library customer service officer. That’s just not true.

Barnet Library Strikers True Stories: “Molly’s story”



I have been working in Barnet Libraries since I was a teenager and I am now in my mid-thirties. I have children at primary school. It can be hard looking after my kids and working but I do not want to get the sack. It is not just because we have a mortgage to pay and bringing up kids is expensive, but I really love my job. I have learned a lot working in Barnet libraries and love helping people. Some of the elderly people I help sometime talk to no one else all day. What is going to happen to them when the libraries change?


* Identities have been changed to protect the striker

Join Barnet UNISON Library workers strike Sat 12 November – Hendon Library

No to closures No to sackings No to staffless Libraries

No to closures
No to sackings
No to staffless Libraries

Barnet UNISON Library workers are taking strike action this Saturday 12 November outside Hendon Library from 9 – 12 noon

Please try to come down to the picket line to offer support and solidarity. You can send messages of solidarity to

Some Facts:

  • 50.3 Full Time Equivalent Posts to go (approx. 70 staff). Workers to be informed that they will lose their jobs in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
  • Building work to reduce library space by 15% to 90% resulting in less stock, study and activities space.
  • Introduction of technology that is being used to replace staffed opening hours. Library staff will be on site only 30% of planned opening hours.
  • Four Libraries to closed and re-opened by volunteers.

For details how to find Hendon Library click on this link


Barnet UNISON Library workers strike on 5th November


Dear Colleagues

Strike Action

Barnet UNISON has called for industrial action in Barnet Libraries on the following dates:

  • Saturday 5th of November 2016 
  • Saturday 12th of November 2016 
  • Monday 28th of November to Friday 3rd of December 2016

This is in pursuance of our dispute with the Council over the outsourcing of the Library Service. The Council plans to hand 4 of our Libraries to “Community groups, not-for-profit and voluntary organisations” in April 2017. The Council plans to outsource the remaining Libraries at a future date.

The Council will continue to explore the opportunity to develop an alternative model for the management of Library Services as part of a later phase of the Library Service review once the future model for the service is agreed by the Council.

(Appendix A: Future of Barnet Libraries 4.2.11 Alternative Delivery Models) » Read more

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