Barnet House Hub Proposal – Barnet UNISON
Barnet Council long term accommodation strategy involved staff moving to new build accommodation in Colindale.
The plan was to exit the Barnet House lease early (it expires in 2030) as the Landlord has plans to develop the site. There may even have been a financial payment from the Landlord to request the Council to leave early.
Barnet Council pay approximately £750k rent on the building.
However earlier this year the Landlords plans for Barnet House were rejected
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Barnet UNISONs proposal is for Barnet House to be one of the community hubs for staff to work in. Depending on demand there could be opportunities for the Council to rent out office accommodation in order to raise additional income. I understand the cost per square foot at Barnet House is a great deal cheaper NLBP. The site is ideally located to all forms of transport. Barnet UNISON is confident that working from a Barnet House hub would also be popular option for staff across a number of employers and would enable continued access for residents this side of the borough.
Barnet UNISON has submitted this proposal to the Council and will update our members when we have a response.