“Breathe Life – How air pollution impacts your body”
Barnet UNISON notes the dangers air pollution can have on our members working in Barnet.
We have already started discussions with Barnet Council about what can be done to mitigate the dangers of breathing in polluted air.
It is important our members understand the risks and what measures their employer can take to help both mitigate and or reduce the risk of air pollution.
The following video entitled “Breathe Life – How air pollution impacts your body” was made by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
It is a short and easy to understand video.
There is a Climate Emergency and it is impacting on all of us now. It would be wrong to ignore it. Action is needed now. Please keep up to date by ensuring you receive our weekly Barnet UNISON eNews email by contacting the branch on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk