When is a Council Worker not a Council Worker?
When is a Council Worker not a Council Worker?
The Barnet Group is a Local Authority Trading Company [LATC] fully owned and funded by the London Borough of Barnet to provide Housing and Care Services on behalf of Barnet Council to Barnet Residents.
Barnet Homes Contracted staff [pre 2016] – Have nationally agreed Terms and Conditions and access to the Local Government Pension Scheme.
Your Choice Barnet [YCB] Contracted staff – were forcibly opted out of nationally agreed pay which included a 9% cut to their wages.
YCC – Your Choice Care – consists of staff [many of them originally LBB employees] TUPE into the Barnet Group are not even paid the London Living Wage.
TBG FLEX – an employment company within the Barnet Group – Was initiated in 2016 to drive down T&Cs for new starters working for Barnet Homes and Your Choice Barnet.
It has been a success!!!
TBG Flex employees have:
No access to the Local Government Pension Scheme. [But do have access to a much inferior pension scheme….Thanks!]
Work longer hours that their colleagues in Barnet Homes or LBB.
Are paid less than colleagues in Barnet Homes or LBB.
Have less Annual Leave than colleagues in Barnet Homes or LBB.
Have no continuation of service should they wish to work for another Local Authority.
YCB workers and TBG Flex contracted workers in YCB or YCC have the added bonus that they do not even get the cost of living yearly increase which TBG Flex contracted staff receive in Barnet Homes.
So when is a Council Worker not a Council worker?
When they work in the Barnet Group in YCB or YCC or have a TBG Flex Contract
Help us to stamp out the inequality in the Barnet Group
Join us in campaigning for all Barnet Group staff to have access to the Local Government Pension Scheme, have the same pay and grading, sick pay, annual Leave and Terms and Conditions as our colleagues in Barnet Homes.