“Industrial action looms as employers offer is yet another pay cut for School staff and Council workers.”
Last year the employer made a lump sum payment in London which equated to £2,229, which still worked out as another pay cut for all members. This is important to note as we are still in the worst Cost of Living Crisis in 75 years and there are no signs of any improvement on the horizon.
This year the Trade Unions submitted a claim for RPI plus 2% which works out at 12.7% across all grades.
The Employer has responded with the same amount as last year which is £2,229 to those workers up to spinal column 42 and 3.8% to those above (which impacts Grades K and L).
This is another Pay Cut for our members. Last year when we consulted Barnet UNISON members over the same offer 89% voted to reject and demand an industrial strike ballot. We had the highest turnout of UNISON votes across UNISON members in other London Councils.
We are now waiting to hear what UNISON National negotiators have to say about the offer.
In the meantime, we want as many of our members to view the employers offer and understand the difference between the Employer’s offer and UNISON’s demand.
The table below provides details of the employers offer including a comparison with the UNISON claim for 12.7%
To help UNISON members understand the offer and how it compares with UNISON’s demand please find below an explanation of the table above.
Column A = Lists Barnet Council Grades. If you don’t know your grade contact your line manager.
Column B & C = These columns provide the detail of the bottom and top of the current grade.
Column D & E = These columns provide the detail as to how the current grade changes when the employers’ offer is applied.
Column F & G = These columns show in percentages what the employers’ offer means to each grade.
Column H & I = These columns represent the increase to the grade if the UNISON proposal was implemented. As you can see it is higher than the
employers’ offer.
Column J & K = These columns provide the actual financial loss for each grade when the employers’ offer is compared with the Trade Unions’ claim for 12.7%.
Column L & M = These columns provide the actual percentage pay cut for each grade when the employers’ offer is compared with the Trade Unions’ claim for 12.7%.
Any questions please email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk