Barnet UNISON email Care Providers in the London Borough of Barnet
Dear Care Provider,
I hope this email finds you and your care setting well. The last weeks have been particularly gruelling for the social care sector and we recognise you have had to cope with extremely challenging and distressing situations. We believe this has been unacceptable and going forward it needs to change for the better.
You along with our members are undoubtedly aware of the Governments infection control fund which is an attempt to address the risks of infection to residents in care home settings.
UNISON fully supports this initiative both locally and nationally.
UNISON notes that London Borough of Barnet has been allocated £3,564,514 for infection control by the Government.
The Government guidance is clear that this funding should be used to pay the “normal wages” of social care workers that are absent due to COVID-19 as a measure to help reduce transmissions, so they do not feel pressured into going into work out of financial necessity. Its intention is also to top up the wages of those doing shifts at several care homes by encouraging them to reduce the number of workplaces they visit.
To that end we are writing to as many care providers in Barnet as we can to ask them to provide the following information:
Wages and Sick Pay arrangements
- Can you please confirm what your sick pay/ pay arrangements to cover periods of isolation are for those workers you employ?
- Can you confirm whether you employ workers on zero hours contracts and how these would be affected by your sick pay/ isolation pay arrangements?
- Can you confirm how you will identify the workers who would need a top up?
- Can you confirm whether your basic minimum hourly rate of pay is above, below or at the London Living Wage (£10.75/ hr)
- Can you confirm what PPE you have in place and in what circumstances this is used?
- Can you confirm what training you have in place regarding the correct use of PPE?
The infection control funding is a much needed positive boost for a workforce that has been on the frontline dealing with a deadly infection that they could have never imagined they would face in a care home setting.
Please note we are widely publicising our communication to all care homes settings with our members and we will be updating them on the responses we receive through our usual social media communication platforms.
Can you please respond by close of play this Friday 19 June 2020? If you intend to respond but cannot meet the deadline of Friday could you give us an alternative date we can expect your response?
Many thanks in advance,
Stay safe.
Best wishes