“No stone left Unturned No 8: “Fixing the foundations or looking after corporate big businesses?”


“Treasury forgoes ‘billions’ of pounds of potential revenue as well-paid self-employed partners spared employer NIC increases

Well-paid City lawyers and other self-employed partners at businesses including top accountancy and private equity firms have been spared the increases to national insurance contributions announced in October’s budget, in a move that will deny the Treasury “billions” of pounds of potential revenue.”


UNISON members who have older relatives being hit by the withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance or UNISON members who have children hit by the two-child benefit cap or UNSION members with family members with a disability feeling they are being attacked by the recent soundbites about going after “benefit scroungers”, or UNISON members with children who are thinking about going to university must now think about the impact of an increase in tuition fees, will all be wondering whose side the Labour Government is on. The article above demonstrates there was a choice about who the Government could target to raise much needed income to address 14 years of Tory Austerity. It looks like the message is clear. Corporate Big Business comes first and at the expense of the rest of us.

This brings us back to how the increase in National Insurance impacts on our members and residents in Barnet. The Government has given councils protection from the increase but not for other employers. One of the biggest Council budgets is Adult Social Care which uses care agencies to provide a service. These companies are getting no protection. Social Care services are already underfunded, understaffed and at breaking point. There have been decades of empty promises from politicians from both parties that if they are in power they will fix the system. The social care providers are going to have to pass the cost onto the Council. This places an additional financial burden on Barnet Council finances.

It is worth noting that Barnet Council chose to create two local authority trading companies that are 100% owned by Barnet Council they are The Barnet Group (TBG). TBG has an organisation called Barnet Homes which provides Housing and another organisation called Your Choice Barnet which provides social care services.

The second is called Barnet Education and Learning Skills (BELS) which provides services for Barnet Schools.

We have recently been told that TBG is not protected and will have a find extra funding for almost 1,000 staff. This is another massive service pressure of extra funding that Barnet Council will have to find.

This cost would not apply if Barnet Council brought these services back in-house like other London Councils.

We are waiting to hear from BELS as to whether they are having to pay the increases in National Insurance.


“No stone left unturned” Number 4: What about the senior management review?

On 17 September 2024 Barnet UNISON responded to news of the impending financial crisis by submitting the following proposal:

“One Chief Executive not three: plus, a senior management review.”

UNISON proposes that for starters Barnet Council deletes two chief executive roles as part of the major review of all senior management roles starting from Head of Service, Assistant Directors, Directors, Executive Directors before any decisions are taken about cutting vacancies/redundancies, raising charges and/ or cutting services to residents.”

Source: https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/

To date we have not had a response.

UNISON comment.

Barnet UNISON would like to confirm that we are expecting this review to include the senior management across the two outsourced local authority trading companies known as The Barnet Group (TBG) and Barnet Education and Learning service (BELs). There are several reasons. The first is that Barnet Council defends the existence of these two companies by stating they are simply an extension of the Council and that similar roles exist in other London Councils, in which case the senior management teams (SMT) across these companies must form part of the chief executive’s senior management restructure. Both companies are owned by the London Borough of Barnet.

Before any jobs and services are cut the accountability must start from the top and that includes all three SMTs.



“No stone left unturned” Number 3: Does it make sense to have a Barnet Council CEO & CEO The Barnet Group.

For transparency the salary details of the Barnet Council Chief Executive salary are £201,456 to £212,685

(Source: https://www.barnet.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pay_policy_statement_2024_2025.pdf )

Barnet Council has responded positively to our request for oncosts information for posts to enable Barnet UNISON to understand the true cost for all posts in the Council.

In the case of the Barnet CEO if oncosts are applied to the figures above, the total oncosts would be £285,214 to £301,183.

Oncosts include National Insurance contributions along with Pension contributions. All staff working directly working for Barnet Council can join the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) which is a Defined Benefit Scheme.

For transparency the salary details of CEO of The Barnet Group (TBG) are as follows:

“The highest paid director cost £218,643 including £16,132 of contributions to a defined benefit scheme on the same employees (2023: £211,477).”

Source: https://thebarnetgroup.org/download/the-barnet-group-financial-statements-2023-24/

For transparency Barnet UNISON has emailed TBG to seek clarity about the calculations above. There is no mention of oncosts for this role and we assume that National Insurance contributions are being made for this post. Barnet UNISON has also noticed that it refers to contributions to a defined benefit scheme.” Barnet UNISON understands that staff working for TBG are not able to join LGPS (which is a defined benefit scheme) and are instead offered to join a Defined Contribution Scheme which is not comparable to LGPS.

Meanwhile in response to Barnet UNISON’s proposal to save money in our original post:

“UPDATED: Barnet Council the Tale of “Three Chief Executives and one plumber” https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/ that by having one Council, Barnet Council has been quick to point out that the CEO of TBG is paid the same as an Executive Director of Housing in other London Councils.


UNISON comment.

Barnet UNISON conducted a short survey of equivalent salaries for Housing in other London Councils.

1. Ealing Council

Strategic Director £139,830 £185,268


2. Haringey Council

Director  Place and Housing £165,000 – £170,000


3. Croydon Council 

Corporate Director Housing £146,020 – £154,731


4. Enfield Council 

Strategic Director Housing & Regeneration £130,000 £134,999


Harrow Council 

Director of Housing Place D2 £113,358 – £127,368


As we don’t know how TBG calculate oncosts the above data does suggest that there could be a saving if the Housing Service was run by a senior officer working directly for Barnet Council rather that a CEO.

Barnet UNISON is waiting for the breakdown of how TBG calculates oncosts for their posts. In the meantime, our members are under considerable stress due to the financial crisis facing the Council.

Before any services or jobs are deleted Barnet Council must show full transparency by insisting that TBG comply with Localism Act 2011 – Openness and accountability in local pay

“1.1. Section 38(1) of the Localism Act 2011 requires local authorities to publish an annual pay policy statement.

In the Pay Policy document that is published annually the Council set out the reasons why they publish the salaries of certain Council posts.

You can view the relevant paragraph below and here is the link


Related Remuneration and Transparency Context

1.5. The Council follows the transparency requirements on remuneration as set out in the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 issued in February 2015 by the then Department for Communities and Local Government; and specific guidance relevant to the Localism Act issued by the Department in February 2012 and February 2013.

1.6. The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency includes publishing information relating to salaries over £58,200. Similarly, the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 stipulates that salaries over £50,000 should be published. In order to comply with both Codes, the Council publishes a summary of posts that are paid more than £50,000. The summary is available on the website of the Council and is periodically updated.”

Barnet UNISON is waiting to hear back from Barnet Council on this point.


“No stone left unturned” Number 2: CEO The Barnet Group & Plumber with oncosts.

Barnet UNISON was approached by Barnet Council to correct the figures included in our article UPDATED : Barnet Council the Tale of “Three Chief Executives and one plumber” https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/

According to information provide by Barnet Council, The Barnet Group (TBG) Chief Executive (CEO) salary is £202,511 with and additional £16,132 for pension which makes a total cost for this role £218, 643

According to information provided by Barnet Council, TBG Plumber salary is £36,029 with additional £12,308 on costs which makes a total cost for this role £48,337

What is concerning about this information is that it appears that the oncost for the CEO is lower as a percentage than the oncosts of the plumber.

UNISON Comment:

Barnet UNISON has written to TBG asking for details of how they calculate oncosts for each post.

At a time when Barnet Council is in a serious financial crisis it is important that there is clear transparency and openness around spend.

Barnet UNISON will update this post once we have a response from TBG.


“No stone left unturned” Number 1: Update of Barnet Council Agency Spend.

After a delay by Barnet Council in publishing the figures online, Barnet UNISON is now able to see the latest Agency Spend up to 30 September 2024.

This data represents six months of agency spend.

First the good news.

As our members will know the last time we looked at the agency spend up to 31 August, Barnet Council had spent £11,950,348 million on agency workers. UNISON forecasted that if Barnet Council continued this rate of spend for the rest of the year the Council will have spent £28,680,836 million, which would be a record breaking spend when compared with the last 15 years of agency spend. The good news is that our forecast is down by £1,411,295 million which demonstrates that the brakes have been applied to agency spend.

The bad news is that even with this reduction the Council is still heading for a massive record breaking spend of £27,269,541 million which would be a record breaking spend when compared with the last 15 years of agency spend.

UNISON comment.

We are waiting. UNISON has been waiting for two and half months to be provided with a breakdown of agency worker spend across the Council workforce. 20 years ago UNISON used to be provided by Barnet Council with a breakdown of the staffing establishment including vacant posts and agency workers by directorate. It is concerning that we are approaching a timetable of potential redundancy consultations and UNISON still has no insight as to where there are vacancies and where agency workers are being deployed.

We understand that the report going to Cabinet Committee on Thursday 5 December 2024 will provide some insight as to where there will be possible redundancies. Once statutory redundancy consultation begins Barnet Council has a lawful duty to provide this staffing/agency information to UNISON.








“No stone left unturned” What is The Barnet Group (TBG)? Number 7: Part Three

Ever since we published our article called Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, we have been inundated with questions about The Barnet Group (TBG).

Barnet UNISON published three animations which were put together with the help of our Barnet UNISON reps in TBG

Here is Animation Number Three which we noticed someone was watching it on a bus.

After watching this animation we strongly recommend you reading our article Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, here https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/






“No stone left unturned” What is The Barnet Group (TBG)? Number 6: Part Two

Ever since we published our article called Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, we have been inundated with questions about The Barnet Group (TBG).

Barnet UNISON published three animations which were put together with the help of our Barnet UNISON reps in TBG

Here is Animation Number Two which appears to have been screened in London Docklands.

After watching this animation we strongly recommend you reading our article Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, here https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/


“No stone left unturned” What is The Barnet Group (TBG)? Number 5: Part One

Ever since we published our article called Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, we have been inundated with questions about The Barnet Group (TBG).

Barnet UNISON published three animations which were put together with the help of our Barnet UNISON reps in TBG

Here is Animation Number One which appears to have been viewed in the Council Main Office in Colindale.

After watching this animation we strongly recommend you reading our article Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, here https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/


Barnet UNISON NSL meeting Thurs 28 November 6.30 pm.

Dear NSL members

Barnet Council has decided to go out to the market to ask for contractors to bid to deliver the parking enforcement service.

This will involve contractors submitting their bids to deliver the parking enforcement service for London Borough of Barnet.

Barnet UNISON has organised the first of a number of UNISON NSL members meetings in order we can discuss what action can be taken by members

The UNISON NSL meeting is on Thursday 28 November 6.30-7 pm

This is the link for the meeting.


Many of our members will be aware of the Camden UNISON NSL members who have won two successful pay claims. They have won these pay claims by acting together. They agreed a proposal which was submitted to NSL and rejected. UNISON members voted for strike action, and they took strike action on both occasions their strike action was successful.

We are going to invite someone from Camden UNISON to speak at our meeting.

Barnet UNISON has along track record of backing our members who have wanted to take strike action. That same support is being offered to our NSL members if we are not able to secure better pay for our members.

Your local reps are working with me to develop a plan to campaign for parking enforcement to come back inhouse, but it also needs members to become involved.

Please look out for future communications from Barnet UNISON. We will produce a leaflet for the meeting on Thursday 28 November meeting. Please help publicise and recruit members as this is the only way to make change in the workplace.


John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON.


Barnet Council interim Chief Executive responds to UNISON members on grading dispute.

Brief history to this grading dispute.

On 25 April 2024 at the formal meeting with the former Chief Executive in the JNCG about the agreement to move grades A to E starting from 1 April 2024. It was agreed that Barnet Council would update UNISON on this matter in a few days.

It is worth noting in January 2024 when the trade unions were informed that Chief Executive and Director of Resources had agreed to the changes and payment from 1 April 2024, we were told that implementation would not take place until September due to concerns about Oracle, but we were assured that the payments would be backdated to 1 April 2024.

In March 2024, Barnet Council HR informed Head Teachers of the proposals to move their staff on Grades A-E. Feedback from Head Teachers was that they were supportive of this decision.

On 19 July 2024 the trade unions were formally notified that there would be a delay and the Council “would be in a position to implement changes to grades A-E towards the end of this calendar year.”

On 16 September 2024 at a formal meeting with the interim Chief Executive UNISON was informed that Barnet Council would not be able to fund this proposal and that it would not be backdated.

Barnet Council stated they want the implementation date to be from 1st April 2025 they went on to say they were waiting to hear of local government finance settlement before categorically 100% confirming this.  If the budget on 30th Oct was bad news for local government financing, then this date cannot be guaranteed adding that once the budget for 25/26 is set, a firm implementation date will be confirmed with trade unions.

Following this meeting UNISON organised workplace meetings of our members which led to members submitting signed collective letters requesting that the decision not to implement from 1 April 2024 be reconsidered.

  • On 23 September 2024 UNISON emailed to signed letters from hundreds of our members asking the interim chief executive to reconsider.
  • On 17 October UNISON emailed the interim chief executive if they were going to respond to staff.
  • On 18 October the interim chief executive emailed UNISON to say they were speaking with Executive Director of Environment and proposed that the communication would be sent at the end of the month.
  • On 18 October UNISON confirmed that would work as we had a mass meeting of members on 6 November 2024.
  • On Wednesday 6 November 2024 UNISON attended a mass meeting of members where they confirmed that they had not received any communication from you.

At that meeting our members were clearly upset over the handling of this matter and requested that UNISON record a trade dispute over failure to honour an agreement to implement the uplift from the 1 April 2024.

On 6 November UNISON emailed the interim chief executive formally registering a dispute adding that UNISON was still open to meetings to find a resolution, but confirming that we are now beginning UNISON’s internal processes for applying for an industrial action ballot

Late on Friday 8 November 2024 UNISON received the following memo which we are sharing as a hard copy and via email to our members to read and report back to our next mass meeting on Wednesday 4 December 2024, 1st Floor in new building at the following times.

  • 5.45-6.15 am
  • 6.30- 7 am





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