Over 800 EasyCouncil Council staff to be shown the door

Critics of the Future Shape/EasyCouncil/One Barnet programme have gone on the record that despite all the rhetoric about new and innovative approaches to service delivery the Council are simply embarking on mass privatisation. Unlike the failed privatisation projects (also known as Compulsory Competitive Tendering CCT) this time they are attempting to privatise the whole council.

“Is this an exaggeration?”

This week almost 800 staff working in a number of council services were told that their days working for the Council were numbered.

I attended 7 staff briefings earlier this week and listened to claims  that the Option Appraisal was an objective & evidence based process!

Furthermore staff were told that the decision was not predetermined, however I can report that staff do not believe that and I think I can say with confidence that they know this is a political decision.

It is becoming increasingly clear that we are facing the return of the mad dogma known as “Private Good Public Bad!”

In the briefings staff asked about business cases and evidence behind the decision, but we all know that there is no evidence behind these projects.

The Trade Union reports produced by Professor Dexter Whitfield have exposed the lack of evidence and inconsistency in the above programme. Last year Grant Thornton the external auditor detailed a number of serious risks about this Programme.

So why do I make this claim. I thought I would look at the list of services that have already gone through the first stage of Future Shape.

Take a look at the number of council services all of which have gone through an Options Appraisals and all have produced a decision to privatise with the exception of Legal service (apparently there isn’t market for Legal Services, amazing really considering how often the Council goes to the private sector law firms for legal advice!).

Mass privatisation……?

24 out of 25 Council services have now been told they are to be privatised!  

  1. Building Control & Structures
  2. Planning (Development Management)
  3. Strategic Planning & Housing Strategy
  4. Regeneration
  5. Land charges
  6. Highways Transport & Regeneration
  7. Highways strategy
  8. Highways Network Management
  9. Highways Traffic & Development
  10. Environmental Health (Residential & Commercial)
  11. Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium
  12. Trading Standards & Licensing
  13. Registration & Nationality
  14. Parking Service
  15. Coach Escorts
  16. Passenger Travel
  17. Customer Services
  18. Adult Social Care
  19. Estates
  20. Facilities
  21. Procurement
  22. Human Resources
  23. Information Services
  24. Revenues & Benefits
  25. * Legal Services

* to be retained in-house


Easy Council ‘no frills’ Planning Privatisation report– exposed!

On Tuesday 3 November the Trade Unions published a report entitled “Critique of the Development and Public Health Services Options Appraisal One Barnet Programme London Borough of Barnet” detailing serious and fundamental flaws with this project. The report was produced by Professor Dexter Whitfield, Director, European Services Strategy Unit with contributions from our members working in the services included in this project.

The reports states:

“The report contains many sweeping assumptions that are not supported by facts, empirical evidence or case study experience.”

“The Council has not obtained value for money from this consultancy contract on the basis of the scope and quality of the options appraisal.”

To read the full report click here

Future Shape Programme – Audit expose

Tuesday 21 September – Audit Committee report

Item 9 One Barnet: Review of Governance Arrangements

You can view the report online here


The First Recommendation reveals the Council

  • Does not have a business case for the One Barnet Programme.
  • Does not have any evidence of planned benefits or planned outcomes of the programme
  • Does not have an estimated cost of the programme
  • Does not have an overview of the overall timescales of the programme including key milestones
  • Does not have a high level risk profile 

The Future Shape Programme is over two years old we spent over £2.5 million to consultants in the first two phases and now we are looking to invest more money for another bunch of consultants.


In these times of Austerity we must stop handing over public money to consultants who do not deliver. If Consultants are not prepared to forego a large part of their fee on the understanding that it will only be paid if their recommendations deliver value for money to the Council; then we shouldn’t employ them.


I am tired/frustrated reading reports from consultants waxing lyrical about different models of delivery with little or no evidence to substantiate their claims. Furthermore I know they will be long gone when the organisation finds out it has been sold a pup!


Who pays…..?

It is the tax payer. Public services are funded by taxes we all pay and that included public sector workers.

After all, in Barnet we are all familiar with local examples of privatisation successes failures: Icelandic Banks, Connaught, Catalyst, Aerodrome Road, Meals at Home, Cleaning……


More to follow….

How can the Future Shape Programme where the stakes are so high not have all the recommendations set out in the Audit report in place before any decisions are made about the future of council services?

Future Shape – The questions which need to be answered and we do!

Barnet Council’s Future Shape programme is currently examining options for the provision of a wide range of services. The Council is excluding in-house provision in principle and is constructing barriers to a genuine assessment of the potential of this option. Staff have raised a number of questions in meetings and presentations on the future of Council services. Some arise from statements made by senior officers in staff presentations and reports. They require a response and explanation.

1. Can in-house services innovate on the scale required by Future Shape?

The Council has failed to engage with staff and trade unions to explore their ideas and proposals for innovation and service improvement, despite being urged to do so (Barnet UNISON Briefing No 5, 2008). The council has spent £2.5m on Future Shape consultants but what has been achieved? These scarce resources would have been more effectively spent on developing and improving services with staff and trade unions. It could be started today. However, the Council continues to engage consultants claiming they are ‘independent’ and that Council staff do not have the required skills to carry out the work. This is not the case. None of the current projects – the Regulation bundle (planning, environmental health, trading standards), Adults, Hendon Crematoria and Cemetery, Transport, Support Services and Customer Services, develop the One Barnet concept. They simply adopt the outsource contract model. The opportunity to develop a more innovative approach will be lost.


To view the full report click here

Don’t bury your head in the sand!

“It ain’t nothing to do with me!”

Wrong answer.

The Future Shape Cabinet committee meet on 26 October will sign off the final piece of the future shape timetable. It is important that staff understand what it will mean to the way they will be working in the future.  

Important message: social services

social workers in adults & children services this is going to affect you just as much as those staff working in services identified as bundles or stand alone services. The access & assessment group are due to report in October and it is clear their recommendations are going to impact on the way you work.

“One public sector approach”

The ‘one Barnet public sector’ has many advantages if it includes:

  • Improves democratic accountability, participation and transparency of all the public bodies providing services in Barnet.
  • Increases citizen involvement in designing services and actively participating in governance.
  • Provides more integrated services, particularly improving access and assessment.
  • Makes better use of public assets and encourages multi-use of sites and facilities.
  • Examines the scope for shared or joint public-public services.
  • Reduces the number of quangos and companies/trusts.


The July 2009 trade union report to Cabinet recommended that an effective consolidation process should consist of:

  • Staff and trade union participation in the consolidation process with a jointly agreed corporate protocol setting out good practice procedures and reporting mechanisms.
  • A commitment to continuing in-house provision of services on value for money and public interest terms.
  • A commitment to transparency and disclosure so that staff and trade unions have confidence that the consolidation process is genuine.
  • Jointly agreed corporate best practice templates to ensure improvement strategies are fully addressed, options appraisal and business cases
  • A commitment to TUPE Plus and secondment employment options and no compulsory redundancies.

The trade unions want to be engaged in a consolidation process which:

  • Examines new ways in which services can be delivered.
  • Assesses the effectiveness of current service improvement plans and how they may be improved.
  • Draws up plans and proposals for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of council services.
  • Explores the boundaries and responsibilities between the Council and other public agencies in Barnet and how these might or should change.
  • Develops a better understanding of the nature and level of needs and demands for services in Barnet and the strategic functions carried out by the Council.
  • Adopts a user-centred approach to service delivery and performance criteria.

10,000 newspapers delivered another 10,000 on the way

Dear Supporters

We have managed to hand out 10,000 Barnet Voice newspapers across Barnet.

We are now awaiting delivery of another 10,000 newspapers. The Borough of Barnet is one of the largest in London and we have a massive task to try and share our newspaper with Barnet residents.

Today, we informed Barnet Council that our social workers are not going back to work on 3 June as we have notified them of another two weeks of strike action. This means our mental health social workers will be on strike for nine weeks solid (13 May to 12 July).

Our members don’t want to go on strike, but they have witnessed a mass exodus of staff (21 social workers), and it is getting worse, a further two social workers have handed in their notice and two of the most experienced are leaving for the NHS later this month, making a total of 25 social workers leaving these teams in 22 months. The remaining strikers are determined to try and win this dispute for the service users and the wellbeing of the staff who were already under serious stress die to the Tories underfunding of mental health services.

Going forward we are spending more time out in the community delivering our newspapers. We have a full picket line on Tues/Weds only and the rest of the time we are handing out the newspapers.

If you want to help the campaign, please email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk if you would like to collect the newspapers and deliver them in Barnet.



Barnet UNISON.

Mental Health social worker strike: “Why have talks broken down?”



Dear Barnet UNISON member

I am writing to all our members working for Barnet Council in answer to the question everyone is asking “Why has Barnet Council not reached an agreement over the mental health social worker dispute?”

The first point to make is that both sides are referring to two different groups of workers.

  1. In this dispute Barnet UNISON is representing members across three frontline mental health social work teams which is approximately 20 social workers.


  1. Barnet Council refuses to recognise there is a greater recruitment and retention issue in the mental health teams than across Adult Social Care. Barnet Council has not produced the evidence to show there is a wider issue of recruitment and retention. Barnet Council wants to make a lower payment to 200 staff working in Adult Social Care.


What is the latest offer?

Barnet Council is offering to pay 5% to 200 staff working in Adult Social Care (we understand they are social workers, OT’s, social worker and OT Team Managers and Lead Practitioners) on the condition that UNISON calls off the mental health social worker strike.

We know that the reason to make this payment is NOT linked to the criteria set out in the recruitment and retention policy. Therefore, this payment is outside the scope of that policy.

UNISON’s response is quite simple.

  • We have repeatedly told Barnet Council to go ahead and pay 5% to whoever you feel deserves 5% in Adult Social Care.
  • We don’t have a dispute on recruitment and retention in Adult Social Care beyond the Mental Health Social Work Teams.
  • Barnet Council is already making recruitment and retention payments for other staff in Adult Social Care. UNISON does not know which posts are currently being given this payment.
  • We have a lawful dispute with three mental health social work teams which involves approximately 20 social workers.

To end this dispute with approximately 20 mental health social workers, they need to receive a 10% (a reduction from our original 20%) recruitment and retention payment which will be reviewed after two years. If this is agreed, then the strike will end. We have already put this forward to management to end the dispute and it was rejected.

To be clear about the two proposals tabled (one from UNISON, the other from Barnet Council) as a way of ending the dispute:

  1. The 10% payment to approximately 20 mental health social workers is a recruitment and retention payment which will be reviewed after two years as with other recruitment and retention payments.


  1. The 5% payment, which is not a recruitment and retention payment, to be paid to Adult Social Care staff Barnet Council deems to deserve this money.


The resolve of our members remains strong, they deeply care about their service, and they have been brave enough to raise their heads above the parapet by bringing news of the mental health crisis across the three teams.  25 social workers will have left the service in the space of 22 months. To any reasonable person that should be a cause of concern but to date Barnet Council has not demonstrated that it fully understands the serious risks to service users because of not resolving this dispute.


What does this mean for other Council workers?

If Barnet Council has money spare to make a 5% payment to workers which is not linked to the objective criteria set out in their recruitment and retention policy, then UNISON will begin consultation with other groups of workers equally deserving and working hard across the Council starting with Assessment and Enablement Officers (AEOs) and our depot workers.

Finally, I want to thank every one of our members who has sent in messages of solidarity or visited our picket lines. We know there is overwhelming support for our strikers. This support is not confined to Barnet UNISON members but is also found in the wider UNISON family. Messages of support are coming in from across the UK including thousands of pounds in donations to our strike fund. The response from Barnet residents has been humbling, we have residents dropping off food parcels, donations, and messages of support. Together residents and strikers have handed out 10,000 newsletters explaining the dispute to workers and residents of Barnet, and we will soon have another 10,000 newspapers to deliver over the coming weeks and months.

I hope the next time I write to all members that it will be good news and that Barnet Council will have reached an agreement to end the dispute.

I want to wish all members good mental health and enjoy your weekend.

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary

Barnet UNISON.

Breaking NEWS: Mental Health Social Worker Strike Escalates!

UNISON has sent a strike notification to the soon to be departing chief executive stating that our members will be on strike for the period between 3 June and 14 June.

Our previous strike timetable was as follows:

  • From 15 April to 26 April 2024 (two weeks). Already taken.
  • From 13 May to 1 June 2024 (three weeks).
  • From 17 June to 12 July 2024. (four weeks).

The strike notification in effect means our members will be on strike continuously from Monday 13 May until Friday 12 July a total of nine weeks.

This week our strikers, having faced gaslighting, threats of strike breaking via use of an agency and outsourcing, decided that “Enough is Enough”.

Barnet Council is not taking the dispute seriously and more worryingly they are underestimating the risks of the dispute continuing in respect of the wellbeing of service users. In fact their lack of understanding reinforces UNISON members’ view that there is a complete lack of understanding and experience of mental health social work right to the top of Barnet Council. The irony of continuing its Mental Health Awareness Week during escalating strike action in its Mental Health Service was lost on Barnet Council. Mental health social work is a specialist service. Not everyone is suited to the ongoing risks associated with the work.

We know that over 80% of the current social workers across the three teams had no experience of working as mental health social workers before they came to work in the Barnet mental health social work teams.

We know that 21 social workers have left these teams in the last 20 months. We have another social worker working their notice and we have just heard another social worker has left the team, add to that two of our most experienced mental health social workers are about to transfer to the NHS that makes a total of 25 social workers.

Nobody outside the senior management team in Barnet Council understands why this dispute has not been resolved. The reaction from our members in Adult Social Care is widespread disbelief. They know that there are serious staffing problems in the mental health teams, and they support our claim. Feedback from staff across the rest of the Council is full support and solidarity.

The reputation of Barnet Council amongst its own workforce is rapidly falling and as news of this dispute spreads there is a very real danger that Barnet Council will be viewed as not a good place for social workers.

The clock is ticking. Someone in Barnet Council needs to act now and meet UNISON halfway and resolve this dispute or risk further damage to the service and its reputation.







“Keep on running Frazier!” Solidarity for mental health strikers

**“Keep on running Frazier!” Solidarity for mental health strikers***

This weekend Barnet UNISON rep Frazier is running the Bristol Half-marathon and raising money for our Strike fund to enable our branch to support our mental health social worker strikers.

Today on the Barnet UNISON mental health social worker strikers made this short solidarity message to Frazier along to The Spencer Davis Group “Keep On Running”

He has surpassed his target of £500 but you can still donate by going to his just giving page below.


You can read more about the dispute here https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Why-is-the-strike-still-ongoing-1.pdf



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