“No stone left unturned” Number 2: CEO The Barnet Group & Plumber with oncosts.
Barnet UNISON was approached by Barnet Council to correct the figures included in our article UPDATED : Barnet Council the Tale of “Three Chief Executives and one plumber” https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/
According to information provide by Barnet Council, The Barnet Group (TBG) Chief Executive (CEO) salary is £202,511 with and additional £16,132 for pension which makes a total cost for this role £218, 643
According to information provided by Barnet Council, TBG Plumber salary is £36,029 with additional £12,308 on costs which makes a total cost for this role £48,337
What is concerning about this information is that it appears that the oncost for the CEO is lower as a percentage than the oncosts of the plumber.
UNISON Comment:
Barnet UNISON has written to TBG asking for details of how they calculate oncosts for each post.
At a time when Barnet Council is in a serious financial crisis it is important that there is clear transparency and openness around spend.
Barnet UNISON will update this post once we have a response from TBG.