UNISON response to Barnet Council’s Restructure Proposals 2024/25

Barnet UNISON has, since September 2024, proposed financial savings which we believe should be tried before any of these other posts are deleted. To date we have had no response and instead our members’ jobs and services are now at risk.

Please see our budget saving recommendations below:

To view our report please click on the link below

UNISON response to Barnet Councils Restructure Proposals 2024







“No stone left unturned” Number 3: Does it make sense to have a Barnet Council CEO & CEO The Barnet Group.

For transparency the salary details of the Barnet Council Chief Executive salary are £201,456 to £212,685

(Source: https://www.barnet.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pay_policy_statement_2024_2025.pdf )

Barnet Council has responded positively to our request for oncosts information for posts to enable Barnet UNISON to understand the true cost for all posts in the Council.

In the case of the Barnet CEO if oncosts are applied to the figures above, the total oncosts would be £285,214 to £301,183.

Oncosts include National Insurance contributions along with Pension contributions. All staff working directly working for Barnet Council can join the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) which is a Defined Benefit Scheme.

For transparency the salary details of CEO of The Barnet Group (TBG) are as follows:

“The highest paid director cost £218,643 including £16,132 of contributions to a defined benefit scheme on the same employees (2023: £211,477).”

Source: https://thebarnetgroup.org/download/the-barnet-group-financial-statements-2023-24/

For transparency Barnet UNISON has emailed TBG to seek clarity about the calculations above. There is no mention of oncosts for this role and we assume that National Insurance contributions are being made for this post. Barnet UNISON has also noticed that it refers to contributions to a defined benefit scheme.” Barnet UNISON understands that staff working for TBG are not able to join LGPS (which is a defined benefit scheme) and are instead offered to join a Defined Contribution Scheme which is not comparable to LGPS.

Meanwhile in response to Barnet UNISON’s proposal to save money in our original post:

“UPDATED: Barnet Council the Tale of “Three Chief Executives and one plumber” https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/ that by having one Council, Barnet Council has been quick to point out that the CEO of TBG is paid the same as an Executive Director of Housing in other London Councils.


UNISON comment.

Barnet UNISON conducted a short survey of equivalent salaries for Housing in other London Councils.

1. Ealing Council

Strategic Director £139,830 £185,268


2. Haringey Council

Director  Place and Housing £165,000 – £170,000


3. Croydon Council 

Corporate Director Housing £146,020 – £154,731


4. Enfield Council 

Strategic Director Housing & Regeneration £130,000 £134,999


Harrow Council 

Director of Housing Place D2 £113,358 – £127,368


As we don’t know how TBG calculate oncosts the above data does suggest that there could be a saving if the Housing Service was run by a senior officer working directly for Barnet Council rather that a CEO.

Barnet UNISON is waiting for the breakdown of how TBG calculates oncosts for their posts. In the meantime, our members are under considerable stress due to the financial crisis facing the Council.

Before any services or jobs are deleted Barnet Council must show full transparency by insisting that TBG comply with Localism Act 2011 – Openness and accountability in local pay

“1.1. Section 38(1) of the Localism Act 2011 requires local authorities to publish an annual pay policy statement.

In the Pay Policy document that is published annually the Council set out the reasons why they publish the salaries of certain Council posts.

You can view the relevant paragraph below and here is the link


Related Remuneration and Transparency Context

1.5. The Council follows the transparency requirements on remuneration as set out in the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 issued in February 2015 by the then Department for Communities and Local Government; and specific guidance relevant to the Localism Act issued by the Department in February 2012 and February 2013.

1.6. The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency includes publishing information relating to salaries over £58,200. Similarly, the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 stipulates that salaries over £50,000 should be published. In order to comply with both Codes, the Council publishes a summary of posts that are paid more than £50,000. The summary is available on the website of the Council and is periodically updated.”

Barnet UNISON is waiting to hear back from Barnet Council on this point.


“No stone left unturned” Number 2: CEO The Barnet Group & Plumber with oncosts.

Barnet UNISON was approached by Barnet Council to correct the figures included in our article UPDATED : Barnet Council the Tale of “Three Chief Executives and one plumber” https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/

According to information provide by Barnet Council, The Barnet Group (TBG) Chief Executive (CEO) salary is £202,511 with and additional £16,132 for pension which makes a total cost for this role £218, 643

According to information provided by Barnet Council, TBG Plumber salary is £36,029 with additional £12,308 on costs which makes a total cost for this role £48,337

What is concerning about this information is that it appears that the oncost for the CEO is lower as a percentage than the oncosts of the plumber.

UNISON Comment:

Barnet UNISON has written to TBG asking for details of how they calculate oncosts for each post.

At a time when Barnet Council is in a serious financial crisis it is important that there is clear transparency and openness around spend.

Barnet UNISON will update this post once we have a response from TBG.


“No stone left unturned” What is The Barnet Group (TBG)? Number 6: Part Two

Ever since we published our article called Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, we have been inundated with questions about The Barnet Group (TBG).

Barnet UNISON published three animations which were put together with the help of our Barnet UNISON reps in TBG

Here is Animation Number Two which appears to have been screened in London Docklands.

After watching this animation we strongly recommend you reading our article Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, here https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/


“No stone left unturned” What is The Barnet Group (TBG)? Number 5: Part One

Ever since we published our article called Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, we have been inundated with questions about The Barnet Group (TBG).

Barnet UNISON published three animations which were put together with the help of our Barnet UNISON reps in TBG

Here is Animation Number One which appears to have been viewed in the Council Main Office in Colindale.

After watching this animation we strongly recommend you reading our article Three Chief Executives and a Plumber, here https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/10/18/barnet-council-the-tale-of-three-chief-executives-and-one-plumber/


Breaking News: UNISON President & Vice President are joining the mass lobby at Hendon Town Hall Tuesday 1 November

News in that our UNISON National President Andrea Egan and UNISON National Vice President Amerit Rait are attending the mass lobby outside Hendon Town Hall on Tuesday 1 November from 6 pm in support of the Barnet Strikers.

“I want to thank both Andrea and Amerit for taking time out of their busy schedules to come down and support our Barnet Strikers. This is what leadership means. It’s what workers want to see from their union. Our branch is 100% behind our Barnet Strikers also known as the “Barnet Ten” and so is the leadership at the top of UNISON. I can’t wait to hear the message they will be bringing to the employer the Barnet Group who defending the indefensible at the expense of Barnet Council housing tenants. 200 repairs jobs a week are being cancelled it’s a disgrace.” (John Burgess Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON).

Directions to the lobby: Nearest tube is Hendon Central on northern line. Turn right out of the station. It’s a 10 minute walk to the top of the hill. Turn right and 200 yards on the left is the Town Hall.





Breaking News: Barnet Strikers are going to Parliament

News in that the Barnet Strikers have been invited to Parliament early next week.

The invite confirms that the news of the Barnet Strikers is beginning to spread beyond the boundary of the London Borough of Barnet.

The first response when we explain the dispute is always the same.

Complete disbelief that an employer would want to defend a position of refusing to pay the first 3 weeks sick pay to a low paid manual worker who was injured at work.

More on this news story later this week.




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