Category: Trades Dispute
Solidarity from Liz Wheatley Camden UNISON
Dear Striking Social Workers in Barnet UNISON,
We want to send further solidarity greetings from Camden UNISON whilst you are taking more strike action over the way you are being treated. It’s outrageous that your team isn’t deemed worthy of the same retention payments as other teams and services in Barnet – we know that there’s a real problem recruiting and retaining social workers across London, and a Council that doesn’t treat you properly will lose you.
For far too long, public services have been seen by Tory governments as a waste of money – they have grudgingly given as little as possible each year. However, we know that in reality, the services we provide are a lifeline for millions, and are what makes society function – where would we be without school support staff, refuse workers, housing workers, library workers and of course social workers?
We also know that you get the service you pay for – the kind of support you provide really needs continuity, it needs providers who aren’t over-worked and stressed, who have the time to find the best for their clients, and who simply have the time for their clients. So for your bosses to not even discuss how they can solve the retention crisis in your team is a real disgrace.
Not least because the money is there. A recent report from Oxfam this month has highlighted that the five richest people in the world have more than doubled their wealth since 2020. Their wealth has increased by more than £11 an hour. At the same time, the world’s poorest 5 billion people have been made poorer. So it’s not about no money in society, it’s about who has it.
Your strike is part of a bigger fight from our class saying that we should have more of the money available – for us, and also for those we provide a service to. That’s why it matters that you win, and if we can help you by bringing solidarity then we will. Last year, some members of our branch here in Camden took indefinite strike action for 59 days, and they had a huge win – they increased their pay by £5,000 this year, and above inflation rises for the next 2 years as well. The lesson that they teach us is that if you fight, it’s possible to win!
Solidarity to you all,
Liz Wheatley (Branch Secretary) and Jacqui Wallace (Branch Chair)
Liz Wheatley
Branch Secretary
Breaking NEWS: Day 21, 300 working days lost
To view flyer click on link below
Join the mass lobby for Barnet Mental Health social workers – 30 January
7 things you can do to support Barnet Mental Health social worker strikers
What can supporters do?
- Visit our picket lines all week commencing 15-19 January between 8- 12.30 pm see details on our web site here
- Please sign Barnet UNISON email campaign to Barnet Council Chief Executive Please click on the link and follow the instructions.
- Please send a solidarity message to our strikers by emailing our office at
- Request for your name to be added to the Barnet UNISON Mental Health Social Worker Strike Solidarity Wall by sending an email to requesting for your solidarity message to be added to the Solidarity Wall.
- If you are on social media, you can help by liking/sharing or commenting on our many posts. Here are our social media sites.
- Please write by email or by letter to:
John Hooton, Chief Executive of Barnet Council
Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW
Cllr Barry Rawlings, Leader of Barnet Council
Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW.
- Make a donation to the Barnet UNISON Industrial Action Fund. Email the office at for details.
Please let the branch know what you can do in solidarity for our Barnet UNISON strikers.
Barnet UNISON.
Happy New Year support our Mental Health social workers
Solidarity Mass lobby Tuesday 30 January 6 pm Hendon Town Hall
Day 16 Mental Health social worker strike
To view full flyer click on link below
Join Barnet UNISON Festive picket line
Yo Ho Ho: Join Barnet UNISON Festive Mental Health social worker picket line
Barnet UNISON Mental Health social workers begin a week of strike action on Monday 4 December.
Please see details of the location and times of our picket line.
What can supporters do?
1. Visit our picket lines all week commencing 4 December to 8 December
between 8- 12.30 pm (see attached graphic).
2. Please sign #BarnetUNISON email campaign to Barnet Council Chief Executive Please click on the link and follow the instructions. Let us know when he replies.
Please send a solidarity message to our strikers by emailing our office at
3. If you are on social media, you can help by liking/sharing or commenting on our many posts. Here are our social media sites.
4. Please write by email or by letter to:
John Hooton, Chief Executive of Barnet Council
Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW
Cllr Barry Rawlings, Leader of Barnet Council
Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW.
Barnet UNISON.
- Open letter to Executive Director of Adult Social Care – Mental Health social work dispute.
- Open letter to Director of Adult Social Care – Mental Health social work dispute.
- Open letter to Cllr Barry Rawlings Leader of Barnet Council