10,000 newspapers delivered another 10,000 on the way

Dear Supporters

We have managed to hand out 10,000 Barnet Voice newspapers across Barnet.

We are now awaiting delivery of another 10,000 newspapers. The Borough of Barnet is one of the largest in London and we have a massive task to try and share our newspaper with Barnet residents.

Today, we informed Barnet Council that our social workers are not going back to work on 3 June as we have notified them of another two weeks of strike action. This means our mental health social workers will be on strike for nine weeks solid (13 May to 12 July).

Our members don’t want to go on strike, but they have witnessed a mass exodus of staff (21 social workers), and it is getting worse, a further two social workers have handed in their notice and two of the most experienced are leaving for the NHS later this month, making a total of 25 social workers leaving these teams in 22 months. The remaining strikers are determined to try and win this dispute for the service users and the wellbeing of the staff who were already under serious stress die to the Tories underfunding of mental health services.

Going forward we are spending more time out in the community delivering our newspapers. We have a full picket line on Tues/Weds only and the rest of the time we are handing out the newspapers.

If you want to help the campaign, please email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk if you would like to collect the newspapers and deliver them in Barnet.



Barnet UNISON.

Service Group Elections are Underway – Have You Voted?

If you normally receive communications by email then please also go to this website link if you’ve not used your online vote.

You can vote by post.

This is what your envelope looks like when it arrives. It will contain your ballot paper, an envelope to return your ballot paper and a booklet which tells you what the candidates are standing for.

You have a total of 3 Votes for 3 different people.

This is how it looks like when you open your letter. You can vote for one person in each category.

One person for the Female Seat
One person for the General Seat
One person for the Reserved Seat

The Branch has nominated Gabby Lawler, Helen Davies and Anju Paul.

See here to find out why.


When you have put your crosses in the boxes against the names you want to pick then put the ballot form in the envelope which came with your ballot paper and put it in the post.

The ballot closes 17th May. To ensure your vote arrives in time, post it back no later than 14th May.

If you have not received a ballot paper please call: 0800 0857 857

If you want to vote online, you will have received an email. Please click here to find out what this email looks like and follow the instructions. If you usually receive emails from UNISON but did not receive this email please check your junk/ spam or other filters to find it.

You Have 3 Votes Please Use Them All – Service Group Elections

Why vote?
The Service Group Executive is made up of representatives from all of UNISON’s regions. It decides policy and campaigns in between the annual conferences. If you want to see a campaign on Local Government funding to improve pay, terms and conditions in Councils and schools – this body should be the one driving that campaign, for instance.

How Do I Vote?
You should have received an email Monday 22nd April in the afternoon which looks like this. If you didn’t – check junk mail and spam etc – contact UNISON 0800 0857 857.

You will have 3 categories (“contests”) in which you can vote. Pick one and select the candidate you want.

The next page will ask you to confirm this is the correct one. If you made a mistake you can go back and change it. If you’re happy with your selection click the “submit” button and proceed to the next category (“contest”) and so on until you have cast your 3 votes.

The Branch has nominated Gabby Lawler, Helen Davies, and Anju Paul.

See here to find out why. https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2024/04/19/service-group-elections/

Please vote now!

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