When will the National Pay award be paid?
Earlier this month UNISON National issued a statement to say:
“UNISON met with the other trade unions (Unite and GMB) earlier this week, and we did our best to encourage a resolution to the 2023 pay dispute – emphasising the need for members to receive their pay rise as soon as possible. Ultimately, the outcome of the meeting was to reconvene in late October, after the current GMB industrial action ballot closes. Unite are currently taking industrial action in some local authorities. Since the process cannot move forward unless the NJC trade union side has reached an agreement, we cannot proceed until this is the case.”
Barnet UNISON will report back to members as soon as we find out what happened at the meeting with UNISON, Unite and GMB.
The table above shows the NEW GRADES IN YELLOW.
If you don’t know what Grade you are on please contact your supervisor or email Barnet UNISON at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk or leave a voicemail message on our office number 0208 359 2088 (the voicemail is checked every day).
Once the National Pay offer has been agreed, it will be back dated to 1 April 2023.