When will the National Pay award be paid?

Earlier this month UNISON National issued a statement to say:

“UNISON met with the other trade unions (Unite and GMB) earlier this week, and we did our best to encourage a resolution to the 2023 pay dispute – emphasising the need for members to receive their pay rise as soon as possible. Ultimately, the outcome of the meeting was to reconvene in late October, after the current GMB industrial action ballot closes. Unite are currently taking industrial action in some local authorities. Since the process cannot move forward unless the NJC trade union side has reached an agreement, we cannot proceed until this is the case.”

Barnet UNISON will report back to members as soon as we find out what happened at the meeting with UNISON, Unite and GMB.

The table above shows the NEW GRADES IN YELLOW.

If you don’t know what Grade you are on please contact your supervisor or email Barnet UNISON at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk or leave a voicemail message on our office number 0208 359 2088 (the voicemail is checked every day).

Once the National Pay offer has been agreed, it will be back dated to 1 April 2023.


BREAKING NEWS: “The ballots are arriving; the ballots are arriving.”

Dear Barnet UNISON member

“The ballots are arriving; the ballots are arriving.”

The Ballot Papers have started arriving in our members homes. Its critical that all members act now. When you receive your ballot paper, please make sure you vote immediately. Please let others in your workplace know that you have voted and ask if they have had their ballot paper.

Remember it arrives in a red envelope and you are provided with a white envelope.

We need to beat the 50% target to have our say on Pay.

Over the next four weeks Barnet UNISON will be ringing members to confirm if they have balloted. If you have voted and posted the ballot back in the envelope provided you can let us know by sending an email to contactus@barnetunison.org.uk saying you have voted. This will help us mark you down as voting, and we won’t need to call you.

Lets get out the VOTE.

Best wishes

John Burges Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON

National Pay Ballot: Meetings, meetings, meetings………

For Barnet UNISON members not working in schools

Dear Barnet UNISON member

Barnet UNISON has organised weekly 30-minute briefings on the National Pay Ballot.

The meetings take place every Tuesday 12.30 – 1 pm starting 6 June through to 27 June 2023.

The joining details for these Team meetings are below.

Barnet UNISON National Pay 30-minute briefing Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 369 615 153 166
Passcode: 9khAuk

Download Teams | Join on the web

Learn More | Meeting options


For Barnet UNISON members working in schools.

Barnet UNISON has organised weekly National Pay 30-minute briefings.

The meetings take place every Wednesday evening 6- 6.30 pm starting from Wednesday 31 May through to Wednesday 28 June 2023.

The joining details for the Barnet UNISON National Pay 30-minute Zoom briefing meetings are below.

Join Barnet UNISON National Pay 30-minute Zoom Meeting below.


Meeting ID: 838 6822 4566

Passcode: 746996



Barnet Schools Joint Trade Union statement.

Over the course of the next three months the following trade unions will be or are balloting their members over pay.

  • NEU
  • GMB
  • NAHT

All the trade unions are seeking an improved school funding offer to address pay for staff and for the schools.

It is important that all the trade unions successfully manage to beat the 50% turn out in their ballot to build pressure on the Government to properly fund schools.

We are asking all our members to work together to make sure that they take part in the democratic process of the strike ballot.




Barnet UNISON National Pay newsletter

Last year, in the worst Cost of Living Crisis in 75 years, hundreds of thousands of workers – BT workers, teachers, lecturers, lawyers, nurses, ambulance workers, junior doctors, Border Force workers, bus drivers, rail workers, postal workers, tube workers, cleaners, admin call centre workers – all said the same thing:

“enough is enough!”

They followed the advice of their trade unions and voted YES for strike action on Pay.

2022 saw the biggest increase in strikes in a generation and the reason was the same for all workers: the system is broken. Most workers can no longer afford to live. In UNISON many of our members are low paid and are unable to survive on poverty pay. We hear so many stories of families where parents are missing meals to feed their children, where families are unable to heat their homes and where increasing numbers of members are now regularly using food banks.

Many members are trying to cope by having more than one job.

The sad and brutal fact is that every public sector worker is now working one day a week for FREE!

Instead of the Government putting money in the hands of the workers, workers are donating their hard work one day a week for FREE!


You can view our latest pay newsletter here





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