How to download Zoom: Zoom can be accessed by computer, tablet, or smart phone.
To access Zoom via smartphone or tablet, open the AppStore (Apple) or the Play Store (Android), search “Zoom Cloud Meetings”, select and install.
To access Zoom via computer, follow the link below and download the “Zoom Client for meetings” https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting
How to join a meeting:
Open Zoom using your chosen electronic device. You should be given three options – join a meeting, sign up, or sign in.
You may wish to sign up, but you do not have to sign up to join the meeting.
Select “Join a meeting”, enter the “Meeting ID”. This should have already been provided to you. Alternatively, if you have been provided with a link, select this link and you should be automatically directed to the meeting.
If the meeting requires a password you should have been provided with this already.
How to change your name: We would like you to display your name so we can identify people properly.
On a phone, tap the screen, select “Participants”, select yourself (at the top of the list), select rename.
On a computer, hover over the main video/audio display area, select “Participants”, hover over yourself (at the top of the screen), select rename.
If you want to speak: You will need to raise your virtual hand. I will then select people in turn to speak. When it is your turn, I will unmute you.
On a phone, please tap your screen, select “More”, and select “Raise Hand”
On a computer, hover over the main display area, select “Participants”, at the bottom of the participants list there should be a “Raise Hand” button, select this button.
If you are hosting the meeting, ask people to practice putting their hands up here. Pause the meeting to ensure everybody knows how to use this feature.
Using the chatroom: Members can type messages to each other during the meeting using the “Chat” feature. You may wish to use this to ask questions.
On a phone, tap your screen, select “Participants”, select “Chats” in bottom left hand corner.
On a computer, hover over the main display area, select “Chats”.
Making decisions: If we need to take votes on decisions during the meeting, you will be asked to vote by raising your virtual hand. Votes will be taken by simple majority. See above “If you want to speak” for how to raise your virtual hand.