Barnet UNISON is proud to announce that we are promoting UNISON Bringing Services Home campaign.
As a branch we have had more than our share of outsourcing. The easy Council experiment was a spectacular failure. It cost more money (yes, we told them it would!) and it did not lead to better services.
In May 2022, Barnet Labour Party won the election with a massive majority and one of their priorities was “Review of contracted out services, in the context of the new administration’s aspiration to bring privatised services back in-house.”
Last year Barnet Labour Party brought back one of the big contracts with Capita and other services on the other Capita contract have been coming back in-house.
The Council is going through a period of healing from the badly advised outsourcing ideology which dominated our Council for over a decade.
Today Barnet UNISON has written to all senior council officers responsible for outsourced contracts seeking a meeting to discuss how and when they are going to review the outsourced service.
Barnet UNISON also want to deal with the Ethnicity Pay Gap which the outsourcing easy Council ideology promoted by always securing the outsourcing option for services which are largely provided by Black workers e.g.
- NSL: Parking Services
- ISS: Catering Services
- Your Choice Barnet: Social Care services
- Norse: Cleaning services
- Blue 9: Security Services.
All the above services were outsourced under the Tories.
Barnet UNISON positively supports the statement of UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said:
“Black workers make a vital contribution to the health and care sector but are all too often at the bottom of the pay scale as care workers, porters, healthcare assistants and catering staff. They frequently face shocking discrimination, threatening their health, job security and life chances.”
This why Barnet UNISON is determined to work with the Labour Administration to bring back these services into the Council thus enabling real life meaningful changes for a workforce that is often invisible and often low paid and without occupational sick pay.