Meet Patrick: Barnet UNISON Assistant Branch Secretary for The Barnet Group

Meet Patrick

This is Patrick doing what he always does speaking up for his members.

Patrick is a long-standing Barnet UNISON member and the Assistant Branch Secretary for our members working for the Barnet Group. Patrick works in social care as a mobile warden.

Anyone who has met Patrick will say that he cares passionately for all the members he represents and the services that they provide.

Last year Patrick represented our 70 pus care workers who were made redundant on 31 October following the decision by Barnet Council to close Apthorp care home. You can read more on this closure on our web site here

It would be fair to say that this mass dismissal of care workers had a profound impact on Patrick who sat in with each one of them. Some of whom Patrick would have known for over 25 years.

More recently Patrick has been representing members working for Barnet Council Housing Repairs team who will shortly be starting strike action on Monday 17 October 2022.

You can read the details of the dispute on our web site here

On Friday 30 September 2022, the employer The Barnet Group issued a statement cutting his facility time by 40%.

Patrick is committed to his members and will not let this stop him from trying to represent his members.

There are many people, not just Barnet UNISON members, but Barnet residents and the wider trade union movement who all respect Patrick for the work he does for his members.

Solidarity Patrick


1. Breaking News: Barnet UNISON obtain ground-breaking support from UNISONs National Industrial Action Committee (IAC

2. Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers 100 % vote for all out strike action

3. Breaking News: Official Strike ballot begins for Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers

4. Barnet Responsive Repairs workers referred to UNISON’s Industrial Action Committee

5. Barnet Council Repairs Operatives 100% turnout and 100% vote for strike action.

6. Barnet Council’s Company Refuse to Show Compassion for Injured Worker