Breaking News: National Pay Award has been agreed.

On Tuesday 1 November 2022 the National Pay Award for 2022 has been formally signed off by UNISON and GMB.


  • An increase of £2,229 on all grades
  • A permanent increase in Annual Leave from 1 April 2023.

Barnet UNISON has been in talks with Barnet Council to find out when the new pay will be in our members pockets.

We can report that Barnet Council are working to try and ensure that the new pay arrangements will be in place for the November payroll.

We are expecting confirmation next week from Barnet Council to confirm the new pay will be in the November pay slips.

There are three things for members to check when they are paid at the end of this month.

  1. Check your basic pay. If the new pay has been implemented, then your basic pay should be higher than last month.


  1. The new pay award applies from 1 April 2022. On your pay slip you should have a backdated payment from 1 April 2022.


  1. If you have been working overtime from 1 April 2022, you are owed money. We have asked that the Council provide the backdating difference of all overtime you have worked since 1 April 2022.

*** School Support staff.

Please note that your school may not use Barnet Council payroll. Please contact your school to find out when they will be paying you the new rates and back dating.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Barnet UNISON office at or leave a voicemail message on 0208 359 2088.

More details of the new rates of pay will be posted on our web site later this week.


Background links:

Council workers accept deal that will give lowest-paid 10.5%


Breaking News: UNISON President & Vice President are joining the mass lobby at Hendon Town Hall Tuesday 1 November

News in that our UNISON National President Andrea Egan and UNISON National Vice President Amerit Rait are attending the mass lobby outside Hendon Town Hall on Tuesday 1 November from 6 pm in support of the Barnet Strikers.

“I want to thank both Andrea and Amerit for taking time out of their busy schedules to come down and support our Barnet Strikers. This is what leadership means. It’s what workers want to see from their union. Our branch is 100% behind our Barnet Strikers also known as the “Barnet Ten” and so is the leadership at the top of UNISON. I can’t wait to hear the message they will be bringing to the employer the Barnet Group who defending the indefensible at the expense of Barnet Council housing tenants. 200 repairs jobs a week are being cancelled it’s a disgrace.” (John Burgess Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON).

Directions to the lobby: Nearest tube is Hendon Central on northern line. Turn right out of the station. It’s a 10 minute walk to the top of the hill. Turn right and 200 yards on the left is the Town Hall.





Breaking News: Barnet Strikers are going to Parliament

News in that the Barnet Strikers have been invited to Parliament early next week.

The invite confirms that the news of the Barnet Strikers is beginning to spread beyond the boundary of the London Borough of Barnet.

The first response when we explain the dispute is always the same.

Complete disbelief that an employer would want to defend a position of refusing to pay the first 3 weeks sick pay to a low paid manual worker who was injured at work.

More on this news story later this week.




More BREAKING NEWS! Barnet UNISON Repairs Dispute

The Barnet Group has just announced in writing that they will not be using agency staff to cover work being done by the strikers. This contradicts what colleagues reported they were being told by their managers throughout the week and what we understood from the ACAS talks today.

The news is welcome and at least indicates The Barnet Group does not want to be seen to make the situation worse.

“We are pleased The Barnet Group has clarified this issue on agency staff. It would have been a travesty for The Barnet Group to be using agency staff to break a strike and would not have helped improve industrial relations.”

A fuller video statement will be released soon.

The Barnet Repairs strike begins Monday 17th October and is all out.

Daily picket lines 7.30-8.30am, Grahame Park Housing Office 17-19 The Concourse NW9 5XA

9-10am Leafleting outside Barnet Council Head Office 2, Bristol Avenue, NW9 4EW. Nearest tube is Colindale tube station.

Rush messages of support to:

Donations: xxxxx


Note to Editors: Contact details: Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email:



1. Breaking News: ACAS Talks Fail To Make The Barnet Group See Sense in Repairs Dispute

2. Breaking News: ACAS Talks Fail To Make The Barnet Group See Sense in Repairs Dispute

3. Breaking News: Barnet UNISON obtain ground-breaking support from UNISONs National Industrial Action Committee (IAC).

4. Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers 100 % vote for all out strike action

5. Breaking News: Official Strike ballot begins for Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers

6. Barnet Responsive Repairs workers referred to UNISON’s Industrial Action Committee

7. Barnet Council Repairs Operatives 100% turnout and 100% vote for strike action.

8. Barnet Council’s Company Refuse to Show Compassion for Injured Worker

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